Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Kernel Zones

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Updated: December 2014

Managing Kernel Zone Network Devices and Configuration

Kernel zones provide network access in kernel zones by adding net or anet resources. See Zone Network Interfaces in Introduction to Oracle Solaris Zones for further information about these two resource types.

Exclusive-IP zones must be used for kernel zones. See Exclusive-IP Zone Network Address in Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones for more information about exclusive-IP zones.

You can supply additional MAC addresses to support nested zones, or zones where a kernel zone hosts non-global solaris and solaris10 branded zones. See Managing Nested Zones for more information about nested zones.

You can optionally specify a network device ID to identify the VNIC address from inside the zone and determine the order in which the network interfaces are presented to the kernel zone. This process is similar to moving a NIC from one physical slot to another.

See Chapter 1, How to Plan and Configure Non-Global Zones, in Creating and Using Oracle Solaris Zones for general information on how to set network zone resources.

Example 1-7  Adding Additional Network Resources to a Kernel Zone

This example shows how to add a network resource to the kernel zone kzone1. The ID is set to 3 to determine the order in which the new anet interface is presented to the kernel zone.

global# zonecfg -z kzone1
zonecfg:kzone1> add anet
zonecfg:kzone1:anet> set id=3
global# zonecfg:kzone1:anet> end
zonecfg:kzone1> exit
Example 1-8  Removing Network Devices From a Kernel Zone

This example shows how to remove a network device from the kernel zone kzone1. The information on the existing anet resources is listed and the anet device with the value of 1 is deleted.

global# zonecfg -z kzone1 info anet
        lower-link: auto
        allowed-address not specified
        allowed-dhcp-cids not specified
        link-protection: mac-nospoof
        mac-address: random
        mac-prefix not specified
        mac-slot not specified
        vlan-id not specified
        priority not specified
        rxrings not specified
        txrings not specified
        mtu not specified
        maxbw not specified
        rxfanout not specified
        vsi-typeid not specified
        vsi-vers not specified
        vsi-mgrid not specified
        etsbw-lcl not specified
        cos not specified
        id: 0
        lower-link: auto
        allowed-address not specified
        allowed-dhcp-cids not specified
        link-protection: mac-nospoof
        mac-address: default
        mac-prefix not specified
        mac-slot not specified
        vlan-id not specified
        priority not specified
        rxrings not specified
        txrings not specified
        mtu not specified
        maxbw not specified
        rxfanout not specified
        vsi-typeid not specified
        vsi-vers not specified
        vsi-mgrid not specified
        etsbw-lcl not specified
        cos not specified
        id: 1
global# zonecfg -z kzone1 remove anet id=1