Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: C User's Guide

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Updated: March 2015

3.2.4 Reduction Variables

There are cases when there is a real dependence between iterations of a loop that cannot be removed by simply privatizing the variables causing the dependence. For example, look at the following code where values are being accumulated from one iteration to the next.

Example 3-11  Loop That Might Be Parallelized
for (i=1; i < 1000; i++) {
    sum += a[i]*b[i]; /* S1 */

In this example, the loop computes the vector product of two arrays into a common variable called sum. This loop cannot be parallelized in a simple manner. The compiler can take advantage of the associative nature of the computation in statement S1 and allocate a private variable called psum[i] for each thread. Each copy of the variable psum[i] is initialized to 0. Each thread computes its own partial sum in its own copy of the variable psum[i]. Before crossing the barrier, all the partial sums are added onto the original variable sum. In this example, the variable sum is called a reduction variable because it computes a sum-reduction. However, one danger of promoting scalar variables to reduction variables is that the manner in which rounded values are accumulated can change the final value of sum. The compiler performs this transformation only if you specifically give permission for it to do so.