Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: C User's Guide

Exit Print View

Updated: March 2015

4.3.10 -errfmt=f

Specifies the format of lint output. f can be one of the following: macro, simple, src, or tab.

Table 4-2  -errfmt Flags
Displays the source code, the line number, and the place of the error, with macro unfolding
Displays the line number and the place number, in brackets, of the error, for one-line (simple) diagnostic messages. Similar to the -s option, but includes error-position information
Displays the source code, the line number, and the place of the error (no macro unfolding)
Displays in tabular format. This is the default.

The default is -errfmt=tab. Specifying -errfmt is equivalent to specifying -errfmt=tab.

If more than one format is specified, the last format specified is used, and lint warns about the unused formats.