Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: C User's Guide

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Updated: March 2015

6.4.6 Token Pasting

K&R C had at least two ways to combine two tokens. Both invocations in the following code produced a single identifier x1 out of the two tokens x and 1.

#define self(a) a
#define glue(a,b) a/**/b ?

Again, ISO C could not sanction either approach. In ISO C, both invocations would produce the two separate tokens x and 1. The second of the two methods can be rewritten for ISO C by using the ## macro substitution operator:

#define glue(a,b) a ## b
glue(x, 1)

# and ## should be used as macro substitution operators only when __STDC__ is defined. Because ## is an actual operator, the invocation can be much freer with respect to white space in both the definition and invocation.

The compiler issues a warning diagnostic for an undefined ## operation (C standard, section 3.4.3), where undefined is a ## result that, when preprocessed, consists of multiple tokens rather than one single token (C standard, section The result of an undefined ## operation is now defined as the first individual token generated by preprocessing the string created by concatenating the ## operands.

No direct approach reproduces the first of the two old-style pasting schemes but because it put the burden of the pasting at the invocation, it was used less frequently than the other form .