Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Debugging a Program With dbx

Exit Print View

Updated: January 2015

Viewing Fortran Derived Types

You can show structures, Fortran derived types, with dbx.

demo% f95 -g DebStruc.f95
demo% dbx a.out
(dbx) list 1,99
    1   PROGRAM Struct ! Debug a Structure
    2      TYPE product
    3         INTEGER        id
    4         CHARACTER*16   name
    5         CHARACTER*8    model
    6         REAL           cost
    7 REAL price
    8      END TYPE product
   10      TYPE(product) :: prod1
   12      prod1%id = 82
   13      prod1%name = "Coffee Cup"
   14      prod1%model = "XL"
   15      prod1%cost = 24.0
   16      prod1%price = 104.0
   17      WRITE ( *, * ) prod1%name
   18   END
(dbx) stop at 17
(2) stop at "Struct.f95":17
(dbx) run
Running: a.out
(process id 12326)
stopped in main at line 17 in file "Struct.f95"
   17      WRITE ( *, * ) prod1%name
(dbx) whatis prod1
product prod1
(dbx) whatis -t product
type product
    integer*4 id
    character*16 name
    character*8 model
    real*4 cost
    real*4 price
end type product
(dbx) n
(dbx) print prod1
    prod1 = (
    id    = 82
    name = ’Coffee Cup’
    model = ’XL’
    cost = 24.0
    price = 104.0