Oracle® Solaris Studio 12.4: Debugging a Program With dbx

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Updated: January 2015

Customizing Startup of the JVM Software

You can customize startup of the JVM software using the jvm_invocation environment variable. By default, when the jvm_invocation environment variable is not defined, dbx starts the JVM software as follows

java -agentlib:dbx_agent=sync=process-ID

When the jvm_invocation environment variable is defined, dbx uses the value of the variable to start the JVM software.

You must include the -Xdebug option in the definition of the jvm_invocation environment variable. dbx expands -Xdebug into the internal options -Xdebug- Xnoagent -Xrundbxagent:sync.

If you do not include the -Xdebug option in the definition, as in the following example, dbx issues an error message.

dbx: Value of `$jvm_invocation’ must include an option to invoke the VM in debug mode