Update Schedule Sheet Activities from Templates


If you create project or shells with a template, you can update schedule sheet properties in the projects and shells from schedule sheets in the template. See "Updating Schedule Sheet Properties from Templates"Updating Schedule Sheet Properties from Templates.

You can also update the activities on a schedule sheet by using a separate “linking” function in Unifier that links a schedule sheet to a template for the specific purpose of updating activities. This feature is also convenient if you have imported a third-party schedule and want to push it to your projects or shells.

Note: Projects or shells that are in Inactive or View-Only status will not be updated.

What you can do with linked templates:

If you link a schedule sheet to a template in this way, you can use the template schedule sheet to push the following changes to sheet columns and activities:

Imported CSV or MPP files to the destination sheet
Added activities
Changes to activity status
Changes to column order
Added new columns
Removed column
Hidden columns
Column indents and outdents

What you cannot do with linked templates:

Change schedule sheet properties, activity dates, WBS codes, or activity resources.
Delete activities
Modify activity name or code associations
Modify Scope Management setup

Once you link a schedule sheet to a template in this way, users can change dates and other data on the sheet, but they cannot add activities, delete activities, or otherwise change the structure of a sheet. You can only change the structure of the sheet and activities by changing the template and pushing the changes to the project/shell sheets.



You do not need to have permission on the destination schedule sheet in order to update the sheet via a project/shell template schedule sheet. You must have the Edit Structure and Data permission to set up linked schedule sheets.


Enable and Disable Schedule Sheet Linking

Link a Template to a Project or Shell Schedule Sheet

Update Linked Schedule Sheets from Project or Shell Templates

Unlink a Template From a Project or Shell Schedule

View Linked Schedule Sheets




Oracle Corporation

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