Adding and Managing General Comments


Business processes provide a general comments section that allows you to add text comments that are like notes that accompany the business process but do not become part of it.

Depending upon the workflow setup and your permission settings:

You can hide or delete comments.
You can attach supporting documents to your comments, which do not become part of the attachments of the BP itself, or mark up attached documents. See "Working with File Attachments and Markups".
You can initiate a discussion group to help you draft your comments or markups. See "Participating in a Discussion Group".
You can add general comments if you are a task assignee or if you have been copied (cc'd) on the business process.
You can add comments to a business process at the End step, and also at any status in a workflow, including “terminated” (which means the business process was stopped at some point in the workflow). To add comments at those points in a workflow, you must have the “Add General Comments” permission.

Note: Some users, such as project managers, may have an additional permission that allows them to add general comments to any form (workflow or non-workflow) that they can view, without accepting the task.


Add comments to a business process form

Add comments to a document type business process

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