Lease Business Processes

Lease business processes are a Cost type business process. You can use the Lease business process at the project or shell level to set up and manage real estate leases and view the expected Payment Schedule (regular as well as straight line) using the lease data from the business process. You can set up a Lease business process if you are the landlord (lessor), or if you are the tenant (lessee). You can use it for new leases you have just contracted, or existing leases. The Lease business process allows you to track incoming or outgoing payments, and you can use the Generic Cost Manager to roll up the amounts.

Lease business processes are typically used to auto-create invoices (if you are the landlord) or payment requests (if you are the lessee). These auto-created business processes are designed and set up by your administrator. For more information, see "Auto-create an invoice or payment request from a Lease business process".

Lease business processes can be workflow or non-workflow cost business processes. If they are workflow business processes, you can route them like other workflow business processes in Primavera Unifier.

Note: Lease business processes cannot be defined at the Company level, and do not support WBS functions.

Leases can be designed with fields that you can use in line items to perform lease data calculations. These calculations generate lease payment schedules. For example, you could add lines items for rent, cost of maintenance, or taxes to a lease. The data in these line items is data that you enter, or data that is populated based on calculations.

On Leases, you can:

View expected payments for the lifetime of the lease using the Regular Payment Schedule and Straight Line Schedule reports
Disable the auto-creation of related BPs, or re-enable these auto-created BPs as needed
Create Payment Schedules (regular and straight line)
Create snapshots of the lease for historical purposes


In addition to typical behavior, the Lease business process supports:

Consolidation from other Cost BPs
Snapshot creation
Auto generation of Regular and Straight Line Payment schedules
Integration methods for creating upper form as well as line items of all tabs
Multiple tabs for line items (up to 8 tabs)
An allocation template to divide lease payments into different amounts for multiple tenants in a building.


Lease business process terminology

Lease business process use cases

Create and manage Lease business processes

Create and use an allocation template

View or export payment schedule

Auto-create an invoice or payment request from a Lease BP

Take a snapshot of a Lease




Oracle Corporation

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