About Earned Value Sheets

You can create multiple earned value sheets per project or WBS-based shell. Each sheet can have either the cost sheet or any schedule sheet in the Schedule Manager as the source for the calculations. Each sheet can include multiple curves, including those listed below.

BCWS: Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled. This is the curve of the budget for the project. The budget can be based on cost or on unit of measure. In terms of cost, it is the total planned budget for the project. Contributors to this cost can be labor, material, equipment or any other cost. In terms of units of measure, it is the total units needed to complete the project. Units can be hours, linear feet, etc., depending upon the activity and the resources that are assigned to an activity.
BCWP: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed. This is the means of assessing performance against the planned budget. It can help you determine whether you are behind, ahead of or on schedule. The budget is based on what you have planned for the schedule, so if the schedule slips, it affects the budget. BCWP calculations are based on the schedule sheet and captured from the progress log for activities and resources.
ACWP: Actual Cost of Work Performed. These are actual costs incurred to perform project-related activities, such as payments to subcontractors or purchase of materials. If your actuals are higher than the budget, you may be over budget. If your actuals are under the budget, it is possible contractors are not submitting invoices.
EAC: Estimate at Completion. This refers to the final cost of any other key quantity (for example, hours, feet of material, or other quantity) associated with any work breakdown structure (WBS).
Custom curves: Create custom curves to generate Forecast, ETC and others.




Source = Cost Sheet

Source = Schedule Manager


Derive budget data from a cash flow curve

Derive budget data from an active schedule sheet


Derive from a cash flow curve

Calculate based on earned progress and earned amount information captured on schedule sheet activities


Select Actual Costs from a cash flow curve or a BP cost sheet column

Same as cost sheet


Not applicable

Calculate forecast from actual completion information

Work package names appear on the sheet if the source is schedule manager, and one or more schedule sheets associated with EV curves are linked to a work package.

Display options

You can select display options, to display the curves in terms of cost or unit of measure (such as hours, linear feet, etc., as defined in schedule activity properties). See "Change the sheet display options".


You can also generate earned value data in different views, for example, grouped by work package. Access these views using the More Sheets option. You also view the worksheets used for the individual components and curves used in each earned value sheet (More Worksheets). See "Open additional sheet views" and "View and work with worksheets".





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