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Troubleshooting Network Administration Issues in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

Exit Print View

Updated: November 2020



active FMA alerts
obtaining information aboutindex iconObtaining Information About the Active FMA Alerts on a System
adding a persistent route
troubleshootingindex iconTroubleshooting Issues When Adding a Persistent Route


basic network checks
how to runindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks


monitoring traffic usageindex iconTools for Observing Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
commands for observing network traffic usageindex iconAbout Network Troubleshooting and Observability
controlling use of probes
network monitorindex iconControlling the Use of Probes Through the svc:/network/diagnostics SMF Service


daemon for the network monitorindex iconOverview of the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
verifying whether they are runningindex iconVerifying That Network Services and Daemons Are Running
datalink alert support for FMAindex iconWhat's New in Performing Diagnostics With the Network Monitor
datalink FMA alerts
obtaining information aboutindex iconObtaining Information About the Active FMA Alerts on a System
datalink layer
observing aggregationsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for Aggregations
observing EVS switchindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for an EVS Switch
observing traffic usageindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Datalink Layer
observing VNICsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for VNICs
datalink MTU mismatch errors
network monitorindex iconHow Datalink MTU Mismatch Errors Are Detected
datalink VLAN ID mismatch errors
detectingindex iconHow Datalink VLAN ID Mismatch Errors Are Detected
performing with the network monitorindex iconControlling the Use of Probes Through the svc:/network/diagnostics SMF Service
domainname command
NIS andindex iconTroubleshooting Issues That Affect a Single NIS Client


error detection
datalink MTU mismatch
network monitorindex iconHow Datalink MTU Mismatch Errors Are Detected


fault manager daemon (fmd)index iconOverview of the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
figure of network protocol stack
observing traffic usageindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
observing network trafficindex iconDisplaying Statistics About Flows That Are Configured at the IP Layer of the Network Stack
FMA datalink alertsindex iconWhat's New in Performing Diagnostics With the Network Monitor
fmadm list-alert
listing active FMA alertsindex iconObtaining Information About the Active FMA Alerts on a System
fmadm command
network-monitor moduleindex iconManaging the network-monitor Module
fmstat command
viewing statistics
network-monitor moduleindex iconViewing Statistics for the network-monitor Module With the fmstat Command


hardware layer
observing traffic usageindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Hardware Layer
troubleshooting general problemsindex iconTroubleshooting Network Connectivity and Configuration Issues
hosts database
checking entriesindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks


in.ndpd daemon
checking the statusindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
inetd daemon
checking the statusindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
IP layer
observing network trafficindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the IP Layer
checking the status of in.ndpdindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
troubleshooting common IPv6 problemsindex iconCurrent ISP Does Not Support IPv6
IPv6 problems
troubleshooting deploymentindex iconTroubleshooting Issues With IPv6 Deployment
issues with adding a persistent route
how to troubleshootindex iconTroubleshooting Issues When Adding a Persistent Route


layer of network stack
observing traffic usageindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Datalink Layer
aggregationsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for Aggregations
EVS switchesindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for an EVS Switch
for flowsindex iconDisplaying Statistics About Flows That Are Configured at the IP Layer of the Network Stack
IP layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the IP Layer
VNICsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for VNICs


monitoring network traffic
commandsindex iconTools for Observing Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
transport layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Transport Layer
using netstat commandindex iconDisplaying Information About Transport Layer Data Structures by Using the netstat Command


netstat command
monitoring traffic
transport layerindex iconDisplaying Information About Transport Layer Data Structures by Using the netstat Command
using to run software checksindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
Network Conditions Simulator (NCS)index iconSimulating Network Operating Conditions Within a Test Environment
network databases
hosts database
checking entriesindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
network monitor
datalink MTU error detectionindex iconHow Datalink MTU Mismatch Errors Are Detected
detecting datalink VLAN ID mismatchesindex iconHow Datalink VLAN ID Mismatch Errors Are Detected
svc:/network/diagnostics SMF serviceindex iconControlling the Use of Probes Through the svc:/network/diagnostics SMF Service
network operating conditions
simulatingindex iconSimulating Network Operating Conditions Within a Test Environment
network services
verifying whether they are runningindex iconVerifying That Network Services and Daemons Are Running
network stack
observing traffic by layer
toolsindex iconAbout Network Troubleshooting and Observability
network traffic
flowsindex iconDisplaying Statistics About Flows That Are Configured at the IP Layer of the Network Stack
transport layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Transport Layer
aggregationsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for Aggregations
datalink layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Datalink Layer
EVSindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for an EVS Switch
hardware layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Hardware Layer
IP layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the IP Layer
VNICsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for VNICs
observing by layer of the network protocol stack
figure ofindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
network traffic usage
commandsindex iconTools for Observing Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
fmadm commandindex iconManaging the network-monitor Module
view statistics for
fmstat commandindex iconViewing Statistics for the network-monitor Module With the fmstat Command
network-monitor daemonindex iconOverview of the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
network-monitor module
transport module utilityindex iconPerforming Network Diagnostics With the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
networking issues, troubleshootingindex iconAbout Network Troubleshooting and Observability
client problemsindex iconTroubleshooting Issues That Affect a Single NIS Client
commands hangindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues
not responding error messagesindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues
unavailable error messagesindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues
ypbind “can't” messagesindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues
not responding error messages (NIS)index iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues


observability toolsindex iconUsing Observability Tools to Monitor Network Traffic Usage
observing network traffic
toolsindex iconUsing Observability Tools to Monitor Network Traffic Usage


peforming network software checking
how toindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
persistent route
troubleshooting addingindex iconTroubleshooting Issues When Adding a Persistent Route


problems upgrading for IPv6index iconCannot Upgrade IPv4 Router to IPv6
routing tables
displayingindex iconPerforming Basic Network Configuration Checks
running basic network checksindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks


6to4 relay router
security issuesindex iconSecurity Issues When Tunneling to a 6to4 Relay Router
security considerations
6to4 relay router issuesindex iconSecurity Issues When Tunneling to a 6to4 Relay Router
simulating network operating conditionsindex iconSimulating Network Operating Conditions Within a Test Environment
SMF service instance for the network monitor
svc:/network/diagnosticsindex iconOverview of the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
network trafficindex iconTools for Observing Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
STREAMS module driver
Network Conditions Simulator (NCS)index iconSimulating Network Operating Conditions Within a Test Environment
SMF service instanceindex iconOverview of the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
svc:/network/diagnostics SMF service
controlling the use of probes
network monitorindex iconControlling the Use of Probes Through the svc:/network/diagnostics SMF Service


TCP/IP networks
running diagnosticsindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
general methodsindex iconTroubleshooting Network Connectivity and Configuration Issues
third-party diagnostic programsindex iconPerforming Basic Network Configuration Checks
test environment
simulating network operating conditionsindex iconSimulating Network Operating Conditions Within a Test Environment
tools for observing network traffic usageindex iconTools for Observing Network Configuration and Traffic Usage
traffic usage
at transport layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Transport Layer
commands for observingindex iconAbout Network Troubleshooting and Observability
flowsindex iconDisplaying Statistics About Flows That Are Configured at the IP Layer of the Network Stack
for aggregationsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for Aggregations
for EVSindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for an EVS Switch
for VNICsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for VNICs
IP layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the IP Layer
netstat commandindex iconDisplaying Information About Transport Layer Data Structures by Using the netstat Command
observing aggregationsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for Aggregations
observing an EVS switchindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for an EVS Switch
observing at datalink layer
index iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Datalink Layer
index iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Datalink Layer
observing at hardware layer
index iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Hardware Layer
index iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Hardware Layer
observing at IP layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the IP Layer
observing at transport layerindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Transport Layer
observing flowsindex iconDisplaying Statistics About Flows That Are Configured at the IP Layer of the Network Stack
observing VNICsindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage for VNICs
using netstaindex iconDisplaying Information About Transport Layer Data Structures by Using the netstat Command
transport layer
observing network trafficindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Transport Layer
observing with netstatindex iconDisplaying Information About Transport Layer Data Structures by Using the netstat Command
transport layer of network stack
observing traffic usageindex iconObserving Network Configuration and Traffic Usage at the Transport Layer
netstatindex iconDisplaying Information About Transport Layer Data Structures by Using the netstat Command
transport module utility
network-monitor moduleindex iconPerforming Network Diagnostics With the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
transport module utiltiy
overview of the network-monitorindex iconOverview of the network-monitor Transport Module Utility
IPv6 deployment problemsindex iconTroubleshooting Issues With IPv6 Deployment
IPv6 problemsindex iconCurrent ISP Does Not Support IPv6
TCP/IP networks
general methodsindex iconTroubleshooting Network Connectivity and Configuration Issues
third-party diagnostic programsindex iconPerforming Basic Network Configuration Checks
troubleshooting networking issuesindex iconAbout Network Troubleshooting and Observability


/usr/sbin/inetd daemon
checking the status of inetdindex iconRunning Basic Network Diagnostic Checks
unavailable error messages (NIS)index iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues
upgradng IPv4 router to IPv6
troubleshootingindex iconCannot Upgrade IPv4 Router to IPv6


/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root file
NIS problems andindex iconLogging ypxfr Command Output
/var/yp/binding/domainname/ypservers fileindex iconTroubleshooting Issues That Affect a Single NIS Client
verifying network services and daemonsindex iconVerifying That Network Services and Daemons Are Running
view statistics for network-monitor module
fmstat commandindex iconViewing Statistics for the network-monitor Module With the fmstat Command
VLAN ID mismatch errors
network monitorindex iconHow Datalink VLAN ID Mismatch Errors Are Detected


ypbind daemon
“can't” messagesindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Binding Issues
client not boundindex iconTroubleshooting Issues That Affect a Single NIS Client
overloaded servers andindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Issues That Affect Multiple Clients
yppush command
NIS problemsindex iconLogging ypxfr Command Output
ypserv daemon
overloaded servers andindex iconTroubleshooting NIS Issues That Affect Multiple Clients
ypservers file
NIS troubleshooting withindex iconTroubleshooting Issues That Affect a Single NIS Client
ypservers map
NIS problemsindex iconLogging ypxfr Command Output