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Working With DHCP in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: November 2020



administrative modelindex iconDHCP Administrative Model
advantages to using the DHCP protocolindex iconAdvantages of Using DHCP


BOOTP protocol
DHCP servers andindex iconAdvantages of Using DHCP
relation to DHCPindex iconAbout the DHCP Protocol


client configurationindex iconDHCP Administrative Model
client IDs
in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6index iconMAC Address and Client ID
list ofindex iconDHCP Commands
DHCP clientindex iconConfiguring and Administering the DHCP Client
ISC DHCP serverindex iconHow to Configure an ISC DHCP Server
name services for DHCP clientsindex iconDHCP Clients and Name Services


DHCP clients
administrationindex iconDHCP Client Administration
configurationindex iconSetting DHCP Client Configurations
configuring name services forindex iconDHCP Clients and Name Services
disablingindex iconHow to Disable a DHCP Client
dropping IP addressindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client
enablingindex iconHow to Enable a DHCP Client
extending leaseindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client
host name
specifyingindex iconHow to Enable a DHCPv4 Client to Request a Specific Host Name
logical interfacesindex iconDHCP Clients With Multiple Network Interfaces
multiple network interfacesindex iconDHCP Clients With Multiple Network Interfaces
network information without leaseindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client
releasing IP addressindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client
shutting downindex iconDHCP Client Shutdown
startingindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client
startupindex iconDHCP Client Startup
DHCP commands
granting user access toindex iconHow to Grant User Access to DHCP Commands
list ofindex iconDHCP Commands
privilegesindex iconHow to Grant User Access to DHCP Commands
DHCP files
list ofindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service
DHCP protocol
advantages in Oracle Solaris implementationindex iconAdvantages of Using DHCP
overviewindex iconAbout the DHCP Protocol
sequence of eventsindex iconHow DHCP Works
DHCP RFCsindex iconDHCP RFCs
DHCP server
configuringindex iconHow to Configure an ISC DHCP Server
DHCP SMF services
list ofindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
DHCP tables
list ofindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service
dhcpagent daemon
index iconDHCP Commands
index iconDHCP Client Startup
dhcpd4.conf file
descriptionindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service
dhcpd6.conf file
descriptionindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service
dhcpd daemon
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
client IDsindex iconMAC Address and Client ID
default configurationindex iconDefault DHCPv4 Configuration
administrative modelindex iconDHCP Administrative Model
client IDsindex iconMAC Address and Client ID
disablingindex iconHow to Stop the DHCPv6 Service
management of network interfaceindex iconHow the DHCPv6 Client Manages Network Configuration Information
starting automaticallyindex iconDHCP Client Startup
dhcrelay command
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
DHCP clientsindex iconHow to Disable a DHCP Client
DHCPv6index iconHow to Stop the DHCPv6 Service
DUID (DHCP Unique Identifier)
definitionindex iconMAC Address and Client ID


/etc/inet/dhcpd4.conf file
descriptionindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service
/etc/inet/dhcpd6.conf file
descriptionindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service
DHCP clientsindex iconHow to Enable a DHCP Client
extending DHCP leaseindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client


host name
enabling client request ofindex iconHow to Enable a DHCPv4 Client to Request a Specific Host Name


IA (Identity Association)
definitionindex iconMAC Address and Client ID
IAD (Identity Association Identifier)
definitionindex iconMAC Address and Client ID
in.ndpd daemonindex iconDHCP Client Startup
IP address management
DHCP andindex iconAdvantages of Using DHCP
ipadm command
controlling DHCP client withindex iconipadm Command Options for Working With the DHCP Client
DHCP andindex iconDHCP Commands
ISC DHCP server
configuringindex iconHow to Configure an ISC DHCP Server
descriptionindex iconISC DHCP Server


large network support in DHCPindex iconAdvantages of Using DHCP
logical interfacesindex iconDHCP Protocol Details
configuring to run DHCPindex iconLogical Interfaces
DHCP clientsindex iconDHCP Clients With Multiple Network Interfaces
zerothindex iconLogical Interfaces


MAC address
in DHCPv4 and DHCPv6index iconMAC Address and Client ID
multiple network interfaces
DHCP clientsindex iconDHCP Clients With Multiple Network Interfaces


/network/dhcp/client SMF service
used by DHCPindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
/network/dhcp/relay SMF service
descriptionindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
/network/dhcp/server SMF service
descriptionindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
/network/dns/client SMF service
used by DHCPindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
name services
configuring for DHCP clientsindex iconDHCP Clients and Name Services
DHCP serverindex iconOption Negotiation
network booting
DHCP andindex iconAdvantages of Using DHCP
network interfaces
managing on DHCPv6 clientindex iconHow the DHCPv6 Client Manages Network Configuration Information
multipleindex iconDHCP Clients With Multiple Network Interfaces


omshell command
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
Option Request
in option negotiationindex iconOption Negotiation


param_request_list property
in option negotiationindex iconOption Negotiation
to access DHCP commandsindex iconHow to Grant User Access to DHCP Commands


related to DHCPindex iconDHCP RFCs
Router Advertisement (RA)index iconDHCPv6 Communication


/system/name-service/switch SMF service
used by DHCPindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
shutting down
DHCPindex iconDHCP Client Shutdown
SMF services
used by DHCPindex iconSMF Services Used by the DHCP Service
snoop command
DHCP andindex iconDHCP Commands
DHCPv6index iconHow to Stop the DHCPv6 Service


list ofindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service


/usr/lib/inet/dhcpd daemon
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
/usr/lib/inet/dhcrelay command
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
/usr/sbin/dhcpagent daemon
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
/usr/sbin/ipadm command
DHCP andindex iconDHCP Commands
/usr/sbin/omshell command
descriptionindex iconDHCP Commands
/usr/sbin/snoop command
DHCP andindex iconDHCP Commands
user access to DHCP commands
assigningindex iconHow to Grant User Access to DHCP Commands


/var/dhcp/interface and .dh* file
descriptionindex iconFiles Used by the DHCP Service