1 Introduction to Customizing Billing Care

This chapter provides an overview of supported Oracle Communications Billing Care customizations.

About Billing Care Customizations

This guide includes information on Billing Care architecture, Billing Care SDK contents, setting up the NetBeans IDE, and packaging and deploying your customizations useful in understanding, performing, and implementing Billing Care customizations. See the following chapters for information on each topic:

You customize Billing Care using the SDK and NetBeans IDE. Customizing Billing Care requires an understanding of Java, JavaScript, CSS, XML, and working with Oracle WebLogic Server web applications. See "Customizing Billing Care" for an overview of Billing Care customization methods.

The SDK provides the ability to customize and configure Billing Care in the following ways:

You create your customizations using NetBeans IDE and package them as a customizations shared library that is deployed to the Billing Care domain. See "About Billing Care Architecture" for more information on Billing Care architecture and where the customizations shared library is deployed, and "Packaging and Deploying Customizations" for more information on packaging and deploying your customizations shared library in the Billing Care domain.