Vordel SDK

Class MetricGroupTypeRegistry

  extended by com.vordel.reporting.rtm.api.MetricGroupTypeRegistry

public class MetricGroupTypeRegistry
extends java.lang.Object

The registry of all MetricGroupTypes. The Gateway will load all the MetricGroupTypes defined in the configuration store at startup into this registry.

A MetricGroupType can be registered by one of the following mechanisms:-

See MetricGroup for code examples.

It is not possible to update the definition of a MetricGroupType. If you need to change the definition of a MetricGroupType the Gateway must be restarted.

See Also:
MetricGroupType, MetricGroup

Method Summary
 java.util.Collection<MetricGroupType> getAllMetricGroupTypes()
          Gets a list of all metric group types.
static MetricGroupTypeRegistry getInstance()
          Returns the MetricGroupTypeRegistry singleton object.
 MetricGroupType getMetricGroupType(java.lang.String name)
          Get the MetricGroupType for a given name, i.e.
 MetricType getMetricType(java.lang.String name)
          Get the MetricType for a given name, i.e.
 void registerMetricGroupType(MetricGroupType type)
          Register a new MetricGroupType.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static MetricGroupTypeRegistry getInstance()
Returns the MetricGroupTypeRegistry singleton object.

the registry.


public MetricType getMetricType(java.lang.String name)
Get the MetricType for a given name, i.e. string id.

name - The name of the MetricType
The MetricType.


public java.util.Collection<MetricGroupType> getAllMetricGroupTypes()
Gets a list of all metric group types.

A Collection of MetricGroupType.


public MetricGroupType getMetricGroupType(java.lang.String name)
Get the MetricGroupType for a given name, i.e. string id.

name - The name of the MetricGroupType
The MetricGroupType.


public void registerMetricGroupType(MetricGroupType type)
Register a new MetricGroupType. This method allows the Metrics API user to create and register their own MetricGroupTypes that are not defined in the configuration store of the Gateway. It is not possible to update the definition by invoking this method a second time. If you need to change the definition of a MetricGroupType the Gateway must be restarted.

type - The new The MetricGroupType to register.

Vordel SDK

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