
Command to initiate the Discover mode and to use its subcommands.


execute -i|--id profile_ID -t|--targets UFN[,UFN2,...UFNn] [-n|--networkuuid UUID] [-c|--credentials credentialID[,credentialID2,...,credentialIDn]] [-r|--ranges discovery_ranges_ID[,discovery_ranges_ID2,...,discovery_ranges_IDn]] [-m|--management management_credential_ID] [-s|--serviceTag servicetag_credential_ID] [-a|--agentLess]
list_credentials [-i|--ids credentialID] 
list_profiles [-i|--ids profile_ID] 
list_profile_credentials -i|--id profile_ID
list_profile_ranges -i|--id profile_ID
list_ranges [-i|--ids ipaddress_spec]


The Discover mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use the Discover subcommands to create jobs that retrieve information about the following types of assets.

  • Oracle Solaris or Linux operating system (OS)

  • Microsoft Windows OS

  • ILOM server processor

  • ALOM service processor

  • ELOM service processor

  • IPMI service processor

  • RSC service processor

  • Oracle Solaris Cluster node

  • Sun ZFS Storage Appliance

  • V20z and V40z service processor

  • XSCF service processor

  • All types

Type the discover command at the command line prompt to enter Discover mode. Type the end command to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt. You can discover assets by using either the create subcommand or, if you have discovery profiles, the execute subcommand.

Use the create subcommand begin a discovery job. A discover job consists of specifications for the search and credentials for access to the assets. The specifications needed for a discovery job depend on the type of asset to be discovered. Before you create a discovery job, use the show --type command to see the list of supported asset types. Use the show --type command again with an asset type to see the list of requirements to discover that type of asset. Then use the set subcommands to define the attributes and actions of the discovery job. Submit the discover job with the commit command.

As an alternative, you can use existing discovery profiles to locate and identify assets that match the attributes of a discovery profile. In this case, the execute starts a job that uses the discovery profile.



Starts the process of defining a new discover job. This command starts a submode with its own subcommands for specifying the attributes and actions of the job and to manage the job. Issue the set type subcommand to specify the type of asset. The type determines the other set subcommands needed to complete the specifications for the discovery job.

set type=type

Specifies the requirements for the discovery job. Issue this subcommand first and then issue the show subcommand to see the required subcommands for that type of asset.

set ssh_user=username

Specifies the name for an account to the ssh utility.

set ssh_password=password

Provides the password for the ssh account.

set ssh_root_user=username

(Optional) Specifies the name of a user account with root access to the ssh utility.

set ssh_root_password=password

(Optional) Provides the password for the root account for the ssh utility.

set ipaddrs=ipaddress

(Optional) Specifies the target IP address or addresses.

set ssh_port=portnumber

Specifies the port used by the ssh utility.

set use_default=true|false

Specifies that the factory default credentials are used for the discovery job.

set ipmi_user=username

Specifies the name of an Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) account, required for ILOM and ALOM discovery jobs.

set ipmi_password=password

Provides the password for the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) account, required for ILOM and ALOM discovery jobs.

set telnet_user=username

Specifies the name for an account to the telnet utility, required to discover assets with ALOM service processors.

set telnet_password=password

Provides the password for the telnet account.

set jmx_user=username

Specifies the name of an JMX account

set jmx_password=password

Provides the password for the JMX account.

set snmp_user=username

Specifies the name of the account for the SNMP utility.

set snmp_community_string=string

Provides a non-private password for early versions of the SNMP

set snmpv3_user=username

Specifies the name of the account for the SNMP Version 3 utility.

set snmpv3_password=password

Provides the password for the SNMP Version 3 account.

set wmi_user=username

Specifies the name of the account for the Microsoft Windows Management Interface utility.

set wmi_password=password

Provides the password for the Microsoft Windows Management Interface account.

show [-t|--types]

Before a type of asset is specified, this command lists the supported types. After the set type subcommand has been issued, this command lists the required subcommands for the specified asset type.


Cancels the settings you have entered for the discovery job before you submit it.


Uses the same properties as the set subcommand to cancel the definition.


Submits the discover job. Issue this command after you have specified the discovery job.


Stops the submode and returns to the Discover mode.

execute -i|--id profile_ID -t|--targets UFN[,UFN2,...UFNn] [-n|--networkuuid UUID] [-c|--credentials credentialID[,credentialID2,...,credentialIDn]] [-r|--ranges discovery_ranges_ID[,discovery_ranges_ID2,...,discovery_ranges_IDn]] [-m|--management management_credential_ID] [-s|--serviceTag servicetag_credential_ID] [-a|--agentLess]

Specifies a new discover job, using a discovery profile. The discovery profile must already exist. In addition to the profile, this command uses information you provide such as target names, network identifiers, credentials for access, service tags, or ranges of IP addresses.

list_credentials [-i|--ids credentialID]

Displays a list of credential identifiers to be used to get access to assets to complete their discovery. The account and password credential are not displayed. To see detailed information about a credential, add the -i option.


Displays a list of networks that include a Proxy Controller. You can probe these networks for targets to discover.

list_profiles [-i|--ids profile_ID]

Displays a list of existing discovery profiles. To see detailed information about one profile, add the -i option with the name of the discovery profile.

list_profile_credentials -i|--id profile_ID

Displays the credential identifiers included in the discovery profile you specify.

list_profile_ranges -i|--id profile_ID

Displays the ranges included in the discovery profile you specify.

list_ranges [-i|--ids ipaddress_spec]

Displays a list of IP ranges to be probed. To see detailed information about one network range, add the -i option with the name of the range.



Manages the discovered target, without installing an agent.


Specifies the identifier for the set of credentials needed to get access to target assets.

  • With the execute, list_profiles, and list_profile_ranges commands, this option identifies one or more discovery profiles. This option can also be invoked as --ids with the execute command, and as --id with the list_profiles and list_profiles_ranges commands.

  • With the list_credentials command, this option identifies one or more driver credentials. This option can also be invoked as --ids.

  • With the list_ranges command, this option identifies one or more network ranges. This option can also be invoked as --ids.


Specifies the identifier for the set of management credentials needed to get access to target assets.


Identifies one or more networks.


Identifies the range of networks to be probed for targets that comply with the discovery profile.


Identifies service credentials needed to get access to targets to complete the discovery of the targets.

  • With the execute command, this option specifies one or more targets to be probed for discovery. This option can also be invoked as --targets.

  • With other commands, this option lists the required settings for the type of asset that has been set.


The following operands are supported:


Numeric string that retrieves the public and private credential for systems to be discovered.


Numeric string that identifies a network range.


For list_ranges subcommand, a range of IP addresses.

For set ipaddrs subcommand, a name of a host, a single IP address in CIDR subnet notation, a comma-separated list of IP addresses enclosed with parentheses, a range of IP addresses, or a group of IP addresses included by a mask

  • hostname

  • ipaddress

  • (ipaddress1,ipaddress2,...ipaddressn)

  • low_ipaddress-high_ipaddress

  • low_ipaddress/high_ipaddress

  • ipaddress1/n


Numeric string that identifies a management credential.


String that acts as the private credential for an account.


String that identifies the profile, not the name of the profile. Use the list_profiles subcommand to see a table of profile identifiers and profile names.


Numeric string that identifies a service tag credential.


Type of asset discovered by the job. Valid values are:

  • all to discover every type of asset

  • alom to discover ALOM service processors

  • elom to discover ELOM service processors

  • ilom to discover ILOM service processors

  • ipmi to discover IPMI service processors

  • os to discover Linux and Oracle Solaris operating systems

  • rsc to discover RSC servicce processors

  • sc to discover Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes

  • ss7k to discover Sun ZFS Storage Appliances

  • v2xz to discover V20z or V40z service processors

  • windows to discover Microsoft Windows operating systems

  • xscf to discover XSCF service processors


User-Friendly Name of a system.


Universal Unique Identifier for a network.


Public identifier for an account.


Example 1   Create and start a job that locates operating systems within a range of IP addresses
EnterpriseController > discover
EnterpriseController/discover > create
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set type=os
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ssh_user=pat
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ssh_password=secret99
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ipaddrs=
EnterpriseController/discover/create > commit
Discovery job submitted - Job ID = hs-x4100-1.65
Example 2   Execute a job that uses the discovery profile geoX to discover and manage servers agentlessly within a range of IP addresses.
EnterpriseController > discover
EnterpriseController/discover > execute -i geoX -t occos-o780-06 -a -m 2050
Using Default Driver Credentials set [GeoX]
Management Credentials set [GeoX]
Management Mode: agentless
Job: localhost 7 was created using Discovery Profile ID: GeoX for discovery
Example 3   Create and start a job that locates service processors for other types of assets within a range of IP addresses
EnterpriseController > discover
EnterpriseController/discover > create
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set type=alom
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ssh_user=pat
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ssh_password=secret99
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ipmi_user=pet
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ipmi_password=secret01
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set telnet_user=pit
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set telnet_password=secret10
EnterpriseController/discover/create > set ipaddrs= -
EnterpriseController/discover/create > commit
Discovery job submitted - Job ID = hs-x4100-1.66
Example 4   To see a list of discovery profiles
EnterpriseController/discover > list_profiles
Discovery Profiles
  ID  |    Name              |       Type
GeoX  | Discovery Profile    |  SolarisLinuxOS