
Command to initiate the Incidents mode and to use its subcommands. The Incidents subcommands manages notices that thresholds have been exceeded and hardware faults.


acknowledge -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn]  [-n|--note text]
annotate -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn]  [-n|--note text] [-s|--synopsis text] [-t|--type comment|suggested_action] 
assign -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] -u|--user owner [-n|--note text]
close -i|--incidents  incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] [-n|--note text] [-d|--disable-delay minutes]  
list [-e|--emitter] [-l|--detail] [-s|--state state] [-u|--user owner] [-C|--limit count]
show -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn]  [-l|--detail]
show_alerts -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn]  [-l|--detail]


The Incidents mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use Incidents subcommands to manage the conditions reported by the monitoring feature.

Type the incidents command at the command line prompt to enter Incidents mode. Type the end command to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


list [-e|emitter] [-l|--details] [-s|--state state] [-u|--user owner] [-C|--limit count]

Displays a list of current incidents, up to the default limit of 100 incidents. You can restrict the list to the specified type of incident (state), the specified emitter, or the specified assigned owner. You can also control the number of incidents in the display, using 0 to see all incidents.

show -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] [-l|--detail]

Displays detailed information about one or more incidents.

show_alerts -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] [-l|--detail]

Displays a list of alert notifications for the specified incident.

acknowledge -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] [-n|--note text]

Accepts the assignment of one or more incidents. You can add some text to the detailed information to indicate activity on the incidents such as the type of investigation or status.

annotate -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] [-n|--note text] [-s|--synopsis text] [-t|--type comment|suggested_action]

Adds a synopsis of your new information to the detailed information for one or more incidents. You can combine the synopsis with a longer note or with the type of annotation.

assign -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] -u|--user owner [-n|--note text]

Attaches one or more incidents to the specified user name. After an incident is assigned, the new owner of the incident uses the acknowledge subcommand to accept the assignment.

close -i|--incidents incidentID[,incidentID2,..,incidentIDn] [-n|--note text] [-d|--disable-delay minutes]

Makes the incident inactive, because the investigation by the owner indicates the incident is not an issue or has resulted in the incident being resolved. Use the -d option to suspend monitoring for a set number of minutes.



Specifies the number of incidents in the list of incidents.


Suspends the monitoring of threshold conditions.


Includes details in the display of information.


Includes the name and UUID of the asset that is generating the incident.


Includes details in the display of information.


Adds text to the incident to update progress or give resolution.

  • With the annotate subcommand, this option adds a synopsis that is displayed when the list subcommand is used. The option can also be invoked as --synopsis.

  • With the list subcommand, this option restricts the display to those incidents that match the state of the incident. The option can also be invoked as --state.


Modifies an annotation to label its type. Type can be either Comment or Suggested Action.


Specifies the name of the account that is responsible for investigating the incident.



An integer to indicate the number of incidents in the list of incidents. The default value is 100. Use a value of 0 to see all incidents.


The identifier for an incident or a comma-separated list of identifiers.


An integer to indicate the number of minutes to suspend monitoring.


The user account that is assigned an incident.


Indicates an incident's state filter.


Text that describes a synopsis or a note.