
Command to initiate the Virtualization mode and to use its subcommands.


list_guests -C|--container-on ObjectName  
startup [-z|--zonename zonename -S|--source-on ObjectName | -Z|--zone-on ObjectName] -D|--destination-on  ObjectName 


The Virtualization mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use the Virtualization subcommands to manage virtual hosts and virtual machines.

Type the virtualization command at the command line prompt to enter Virtualization mode. Type the end command to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


list_guests -C|--container-on ObjectName

Lists the non-global zones for the global zone specified by ObjectName and the following information:

  • Name: A user-friendly name. Do not use this name to specify a non-global zone.

  • Type: either zone or ZONE

  • State: RUNNING

  • Migratable: True or False

  • ObjectName: A fully-qualified name for a non-global zone.


Lists the global zones and the following information:

  • Name: A user-friendly name. Do not use this name to specify a global zone.

  • Type: either zone or ZONE

  • Health: OK

  • Reach: True or False

  • ObjectName: A fully-qualified name for a global zone.

startup [-z|--zonename zonename -S|--source-on ObjectName | -Z|--zone-on ObjectName] -D|--destination-on ObjectName

Detaches a non-global zone from its non-functioning global zone and attaches the non-global zone to a different global zone. An administrator uses this subcommand to recover a non-global zone. Because Ops Center cannot check a global zone that is not reachable, the administrator must verify that the destination global zone is compatible with the source global zone: have the same release levels, use the same storage library to store zone metadata, and can both be reached on the network.



Non-global zones hosted by the global zone with the name ObjectName.


Destination global zone with the name ObjectName that will host the recovered non-global zone.


Source global zone with the name ObjectName. This zone is not functioning so its guests, the non-global zones, need to be recovered.


Non-global zone with the name ObjectName that is moved from the source global zone to the destination global zone.


Global zone with name ObjectName.



Name of a global or non-global zone, as shown in output of list_hosts command and list_guests command.


User-friendly name


Example 1   Display all the global zones
EnterpriseController/virtualization > list_hosts
    Name        |     Type    |    Health   |  Reachable  |                                   ObjectName                              |                       UUID        |           
  gzhost36    |     zone    |      OK     |    False    |           com.sun.hss.domain:type=xVMServer,name=NORM-NORM-localhost           |       2b7c71ac-70ab-48a2-a2f2-ac291e580c39
  gzhost44    |     zone    |      OK     |    True    |           com.sun.hss.domain:type=xVMServer,name=NORM-NORM-localhost-4           |       3b6c61ab-50ab-34a1-b2d2-bd253e632c45
Example 2   Display all the non-global zones hosted by gz44
EnterpriseController/virtualization > list_guests -C com.sun.hss.domain:type=xVMServer,name=NORM-NORM-localhost
         Name        |         Type        |    State    |  Migratable |                                   ObjectName                                   |             
 test      |         ZONE        |   RUNNING   |    True    | com.sun.hss.domain:type=Server,name=NORM-07e91405-8313-43ec-9671-dc320989866e
Example 3   Move the non- global zone ngz from gz44 to gz36
EnterpriseController/virtualization > startup -Z com.sun.hss.domain:type=Server,name=NORM-07e91405-8313-43ec-9671-dc320989866e -D com.sun.hss.domain:type=xVMServer,name=NORM-NORM-localhost