
Command to initiate the Deploy mode and to use its subcommands.


add "attribute={string|integer|true|false}[, attribute2...attributen]" 
set "attribute={string|integer|true|false}[, attribute2...attributen]" 
show [plan|results]


The Deploy mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use Deploy subcommands to specify the attributes of a deployment plan and then to deploy the plan on target assets. You can modify the plan before you apply it; however, your changes are not saved and no new version of the plan is created.

The Deploy mode requires that you first specify a plan and at least one target in Deploy_setup mode. To enter Deploy mode, type deploy command. The command line prompt indicates that you are in Deploy_setup mode. After you specify a plan and a target, the command line prompt changes to Deploy mode. Type the end to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


add "attribute={string|integer|true|false}"
add "attribute={list of subattributes}"
add "@assetname1:attribute1={string|integer|true|false}"

Includes a new attribute in the deployment plan as a key-value pair. Attributes depend on the type of deployment plan.


Executes the deployment plan on the target assets. Some types of deployment plans or targets require that you set an attribute before you can apply the plan.

  • Configure M-Series Hardware, Create and Install Domain- None.

  • Configure RAID - None.

  • Configure Server Hardware and Install OS - None.

  • Configure Service Processor - None.

  • Configure and Install Dynamic System Domain - None.

  • Configure and Install Logical Domains - None.

  • Configure and Install Virtual Machines - None.

  • Create Boot Environment - None.

  • Create Dynamic System Domain - None.

  • Create Logical Domains - For each logical domain: set and add prime, set and add guestName.

  • Create Zones - For each zone: set and add prime, set and add IP mode, set and add IP address if mode is static, set and add ifName to identify the NIC, set and add hostname.

  • Configure and Install Solaris Zones - For each zone: set and add prime, set and add IP mode, set and add IP address if mode is static, set and add ifName to identify the NIC, set and add hostname.

  • Create Virtual Machines - None.

  • Provision Network - None.

  • Provision OS - Set the IP address, set dataIp if IPMP option is selected in the OS provision profile.

  • Install Server - Set the IP address, set dataIp if IPMP option is selected in the OS provision profile.

  • Software Deployment / Update - None.

  • Update Oracle Solaris 11 OS - None.

  • Update BIOS - None.

  • Update Firmware – None.

  • Update Firmware and Install Oracle VM Server for SPARC - None.


Simulates the deployment. Creates the tasks of the job but does not submit the job.

set "attribute={string|integer|true|false}[,attribute2,...attributen]"
set "attribute={list of subattributes}"
set "@assetname1:attribute1={string|integer|true|false}"

Changes the value of every occurrence of an attribute in the plan. A simple attribute is a key-value pair. To see the current attributes, use show plan subcommand.

show [plan|results]

Displays information about the current plan. With no options, the command lists the structure of the deployment plan. With the plan option, the subcommand displays the attributes of the deployment plan. With the results option, the subcommand reports the result of the plan.



Displays the attributes of the deployment plan. Adds an asset or a list of assets to the current targets of the plan.


Displays the result of the deployment plan.



A simple attribute is a key-value pair. An attribute that is backed by other objects is represented as a list of key-value pairs. To see the current attributes, use show plan subcommand. If you prefer, you can set a new value for an attribute as a JSON string.


Example 1   Execute the firmware deployment plan on two servers: the selected target and a new target, with a forced reinstallation on the second target.
EnterpriseController/deploy > show plan
--------------------------------------------------   Step: Update Firmware -----------------------------------------------------       Associated Profile:        { firmwarePackages: [ ILOM-3_0_3_31_a-Sun_Fire_X4600M2 ] dryRun: False subType: Server resetSP: False profileDescription: Updates ILOM firmware forceDowngrade: False forceReinstall: False profileName: fwp network: None ip:None }
EnterpriseController/deploy_setup > target -a
EnterpriseController/deploy > add "" 
EnterpriseController/deploy > dryrun
xxx example xxx
EnterpriseController/deploy > apply
Example 2   Provisions an OS for the target
EnterpriseController/deploy > show plan
--------------------------------------------------   Step: Provision OS -----------------------------------------------------       Associated Profile:        { OSPackages: [ <examples> ] dryRun: False subType: Server resetSP: False profileDescription: Updates ILOM firmware forceDowngrade: False forceReinstall: False profileName: osp network: None ip:None }  
EnterpriseController/deploy > set "ip="
EnterpriseController/deploy > show plan"
--------------------------------------------------   Step: Provision OS -----------------------------------------------------       Associated Profile:        { OSPackages: [ <xxxxexamples> ] dryRun: False subType: Server resetSP: False profileDescription: Updates ILOM firmware forceDowngrade: False forceReinstall: False profileName: osp network: xxx ip: }  
EnterpriseController/deploy > apply