
Command to initiate the Credentials mode and to use its subcommands.


list [-i|--ids credentialID[,credentialID2,...,credentialIDn]] [-l|--detail]
modify -i|--id credentialID


The Credentials mode is one of a set of modes provided by the Enterprise Manager Ops Center. Use the Credential subcommands to view and change the credentials used to discover and manage an asset. Credentials also establish trust relationships between components of the product.

Type the credentials command at the command line prompt to enter Credentials mode. Type the end command to stop the mode and to return to the command line prompt.


list [-i|--ids credentialID[,credentialID2, ... , credentialIDn]] [-l|--detail]

Displays the credential ID, the name of the credential, its type, and a description. Use the -l|--detail option to include attributes for each credential such as role, port, and timeout value. You can limit the number of displayed credentials by using the -i|--ids option to specify one or more credential IDs.

EnterpriseController/credentials> list
ID |        Name      |  Type        |  Description
2213 | CERTIF_cred     | CERTIFICATE   | text entered at creation 
2210 | CISCO_cred      | CISCO_IOS     | Location3 switch
2215 | CHAP_cred       | CHAP          | text
2206 | HTTP_name       | HTTP          | text
2204 | IPMI_cred       | IPMI          | text
2209 | JMX_cred        | JMX           | text
2211 | OVM_manage_cred | OVM           | text
2212 | OVM_serv_cred   | OVM           | text
2205 | SNMP_           | SNMP          | text
2201 | SSH_cred        | SSH           | text
2214 | STORAGE_cred    | STORAGE_ADMIN | text
modify -i|--id credentialID

Starts a submode with its own set of commands to view and change the attributes of a specific credential.

EnterpriseController/credentials> modify -i 2210

Displays a list of all properties and their current values. Any property that starts with an asterisk character is mandatory and cannot have a value of None.

description=Location3 switch

Changes the value of all properties to their default values or, for properties with no default value, to None.

unset property

Changes the value of the specified property to its default value or, if there is no default value, to None.

set property=value

Provides a new value for the specified property.


Submits a job to change the attributes of the credential.


  • With the list command, this option can also be invoked as --ids.

  • With the modify command, this option can also be invoked as --id.


Includes credential's attributes in the display.



The numeric identifier for a specific credential.


The characteristic of a credential that, together with the property's value, comprise an attribute of a credential for an asset, as displayed by the modify> show command.


The specification of a credential's property.


Example 1   To change the port used by Credential 6850 to Port 23:
EnterpriseController/credentials > modify -i 6850
EnterpriseController/credentials/modify > set port=23
EnterpriseController/credentials/modify > commit
EnterpriseController/credentials/modify > end
EnterpriseController/credentials > 
Credential data for 6850 has been modified