
Class wsc.AuthHandler

The authentication handler is used by the session to get "SERVICE" or "TURN" authentication information. The client application should set a wsc.AuthHandler object for a Session object. The event handler function refresh should be set by web applications for the AuthHandler object.
The function "refresh" returns a JSON object or false.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
refresh(authType, authHeaders)
The callback function to handle the authentication event
Class Detail
var authHandler = new wsc.AuthHandler(wscSession);
authHandler.refresh = refreshAuth
function refreshAuth(authType, authHeaders){
var authInfo = null;
if(authType==wsc.AUTHTYPE.SERVICE) {
// Return a JSON object according to the content of the "authHeaders". authInfo = ...; } else if(authType==wsc.AUTHTYPE.TURN) {
// Return a JSON object formatted like this: {"iceServers" : [ {"url":"turn:test@:", "credential":""} ]}. authInfo = ...;
return authInfo;
Following is an authHeaders sample for Digest authentication:
{ "scheme": "Digest", "nonce": "a12e8f74-af01-4e74-9714-4d65bae4e024", "realm": "", "qop": "auth", "challenge_code": "407", "opaque": "YXBwLTNjOHFlaHR2eGRhcnxiYWNkMTIxMWFmZDlkNmUyMThmZmI0ZDc4ZmY3ZmY1YUAxMC4xODIuMTMuMTh8Mzc3N2E3Nzc0ODYyMGY4", "charset": "utf-8", "method": "REGISTER", "uri": "sip:" } Digest authentication is fully described in RFC 2617.
{wsc.Session} session
An instance of the wsc.Session object.
Event Detail
refresh(authType, authHeaders)
The callback function to handle the authentication event
{String} authType
the authentication type
{object} authHeaders
the headers that used for the authentication.

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