
Class wsc.MessageSummary

a sub-class of Notification that represents a message-summary type notification.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Extended from the Notification class.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Get the message account associated with the current message summary notification.
Get a MessageCounts object for current message summary.
Return the waiting message status.
Class Detail
Extended from the Notification class. Created by MessageAlertPackage when a notification of the event type message-summary is received.
Method Detail
{String} getMessageAccount()
Get the message account associated with the current message summary notification.
{String} Message account associated with the current message summary notification

{object} getMessageCounts(msgClassType)
Get a MessageCounts object for current message summary.
{String} msgClassType
String to indicate the message class type, such as "voice_message".
This message class type corresponds to the SIP notification message class type. It is the lower case style and all "-" are replaced by "_" of the message class type in the SIP notification.
For example, if there is a field "Voice-message" in the SIP notification from the SIP application, the client side web application should use "voice_message" as the parameter when calling this function to get the message count information.
{object} MessageCounts contains the message count information of the message class type in the parameter.
For example, if wsc.MessageSummary.getMessageCounts("voice_message") is called, an object containing the message count of "voice_message" is returned. Likewise, if "fax_message" is passed as a parameter, the returned object contains the message count of "fax_message".

{boolean} isMessageWaiting()
Return the waiting message status.
{boolean} If there is message waiting, return true, otherwise false.

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