
Class wsc.Subscription

Represents a subscription.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
An object of this class is created by wsc.MessageAlertPackage#createNewSubscription and returned.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Stops current subscription of message notifications.
Checks whether the current subscription is active.
Event Summary
Event Attributes Event Name and Description
Callback function to invoke when an end message for a subscription is received.
Callback function to invoke when a Notify request message is received.
Class Detail
An object of this class is created by wsc.MessageAlertPackage#createNewSubscription and returned.
Method Detail
Stops current subscription of message notifications.
{Object} extHeaders
extension headers. If provided, they will be inserted into JSON message.
Example, An extHeaders in this format: {'customerKey1':'value1','customerKey2':'value2'}
will be converted to the following JSON:
{ "control" : {}, "header" : {...,'customerKey1':'value1','customerKey2':'value2'}, "payload" : {}}

{boolean} isValid()
Checks whether the current subscription is active. If the current subscription is active, it returns 'true'; otherwise it returns 'false'.
Event Detail
Callback function to invoke when an end message for a subscription is received. The application needs to configure this callback function.
The callback function is invoked without any parameters.
 function onEnd(){
 //render the web page when the end message for current subscription is received
   var subscribeButton = document.getElementById("subscribeButton");
   if(subscribeButton != null){
     subscribeButton.disabled = false;

Callback function to invoke when a Notify request message is received. The application needs to configure this callback function.
The callback function is invoked with a Notification wsc.Notification as a parameter.
 function onNotification(notification) {
   console.log("The sender of the notify is: "+notification.getSender());
   console.log("The receiver of the notify is: "+notification.getReceiver());
{wsc.Notification} notification
The wsc.Notification object which represents the received notification message.

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