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Defining the Planning Model

This section provides overviews of how to set up the planning model and activity scenario combinations and discusses how to:

Pages Used to Define the Planning Model

Page Name

Definition Name





select Planning and Budgeting, then select Planning and Budgeting Setup, then select Setup Model, then select Planning Models

Create a planning model and assign the related default parameters.

Copy Model


Click the Copy Model button on the Model page.

Copy an existing planning model to use as a starting point for a new planning model.

Activity Group


  • Click the link next to the Activity Group drop-down list box on the Model page.

  • Click the Create Activity Group button on the Model page.

  • Click the link next to the Activity Group field on the Activity Scenario page.

Edit or create an activity group.

Scenario Group


  • Click the link next to the Scenario Group drop-down list box on the Model page.

  • Click the Create Scenario Group button on the Model page.

  • Click the link next to the Scenario Group field on the Activity Scenario page.

Edit or create a scenario group.

Activity Scenario


select Planning and Budgeting, then select Planning and Budgeting Setup, then select Planning and Budgeting Setup, then select Setup Model, then select Planning Models, then select Activity Scenario

Set up and manage activities and scenarios in the planning model.

Scenario Manager


Click the View Scenario Manager link on the Activity Scenario page.

Manage and update status for activities and scenarios in a planning model.

Compose Mail


Click the Email link on the Activity Scenario page.

Send email to users about budgets and plans.

Dimension Level Summarization


Click the Dimension Level link on the Activity Scenario page.

Define dimension levels, including the planning center dimension, in which an activity scenario is prepared.

Display and Select TreeNodes


Click the Tree View icon on the Dimension Level Summarization page.

Select a tree node to define the level of preparation, summarization, or both for the dimension.

Data Source


Click the Data Source link (associated with an asset activity) on the Activity Scenario page.

Define data sources for asset activities.

Data Source


Click the Data Source link (associated with a line item activity) on the Activity Scenario page.

Define data sources for line item activities.

Spread Definition


  • Click the Select Spreads link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity).

  • Click the Select Spreads link on the Data Source page (associated with a position budgeting activity).

Enter spread IDs for a line item activity when AMTPER Method ID is used.

Enter defaults and available spread IDs for a position activity.

Planning Target Control


Click the View Target Control link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity).

Review target control definitions.

Planning Targets


Click the View Targets link on the Data Source page (associated with a line item activity).

Define planning target details for the activity scenario in the planning model.

Data Source


Click the Data Source link (associated with a position activity) on the Activity Scenario page.

Define data sources for position activities.

Planning Method Group


Click the link in the Method Group column on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Review the planning method group defaults.

Assign Planning Method Defaults


Click the Method Defaults link on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Assign method defaults by account to line item activities.

Override Controls Help


Click the Override Controls Help link on the Assign Planning Method Defaults page.

Review how to override controls.

Define View


Click the Define View link on the Line Item Defaults tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Create or edit a public view definition to determine how users view data in line item activities. Enter a view name and description.

User View Details


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page.

Enter a description to identify the public view details.

Row Display Filter


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Row Display Filter tab.

Define dimension defaults that appear in a line item activity.

Row Display Options (help page)


  • Click the Row Display Help link on the Row Display Filter page.

  • Click the Row Display Help link on the Row Display Options page.

View help documentation for row display view definition options.

Row Display Options


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Row Display Options tab.

Define whether dimension values appear in line item activities at the detail or summary level. Define amount types and currency display options.

Column Display Options


Click the Edit or Create link on the Define View page, and then select the Column Display Options tab.

Define the type of data that appears in line item activity columns.

Column Display Options (help page)


Click the Column Display Help link on the Column Display Options page.

View help documentation for column display view definition options.

Assign Email Templates


Click Email Templates on the Security and Email tab on the Activity Scenario page.

Assign email templates for specific actions for the line item activity scenario.

Currency Options


select Planning and Budgeting Setup, then select Setup Model, then select Planning Models, then select Currency Options

For a multicurrency model, select entry and target currency codes used in the planning model.



select Planning and Budgeting, then select Planning and Budgeting Setup, then select Setup Model, then select Planning Models, then select Notes

Enter notes for the planning model.

Understanding How to Set Up the Planning Model

Define the framework for the budget by performing the following tasks:

  1. Define the planning model.

  2. Assign an activity group to the planning model.

  3. Assign a scenario group to the planning model.

  4. Activity scenario combinations are created based on the groups associated with the planning model.

    For these combinations define:

    - Dimension levels or summarization for planning center and other dimensions.

    - Data sources for activities.

    - Comparison scenarios and target scenarios for line item activities.

    - Default values for line-item activity types, including account category, enforce budget and zero base budget options, method defaults, and public views.

  5. Assign a security group and (optionally) a secondary security group to each activity scenario.

  6. Assign email templates.

  7. Define currency options for a multiple currency planning model.

  8. Enter any notes about the planning model.

Understanding Activity Scenario Combinations

You can use activity scenarios to organize the timing of different plans or budgets at similar or varying times throughout your organization's budget cycle. Each activity scenario combination is like its own independent data repository. Activity scenario combinations are automatically created in your planning model when you choose an activity group and scenario group definition in your model. You can leverage some of the same setup data defined by the model, with the scenario's main attribute using the time-related data and the main attribute of the activity using the dimension-related data. The intersection of the two (activity scenario) provides multiple plans and budgets that can be related or independent. The unique activity scenario combinations control the information that you can view and modify under the umbrella of a planning model, which is defined for a business unit. You can have one or many activity scenario combinations within each planning model that you create. Each activity scenario that you define can be staged, released to end users, or placed on hold at any time you define.

Note: When using a Commitment Control planning model, ensure that the activity group you assign contains no activities allowing balance sheet planning, because it is not supported by Commitment Control.

For example, detailed revenue and expense budgets are prepared at the greatest level of detail, and the data is sent back to the general ledger system for storing and tracking. Prior to the commencement of the following year's budget, a higher-level strategic plan may be developed first, covering anywhere from one to five years. As a business process, this information is prepared and reviewed prior to creating a more detailed budget for the following year. In the following example, the first two columns indicate the activity scenario combinations. It includes three line item activities and two scenarios. Because the Strategic Two-Year Plan is associated with a different scenario (2007–2008 Plan), it may use a different element of time, such as an annual calendar. This strategic plan is prepared well before any detail plans are created, having a start date and end date of April 1 and April 30, respectively, for preparation. It is completed before the revenue and expense detail plans are prepared. Using the start and end dates with the activity scenario enables you to open up preparation of the data based on your organization's requirement for the information, or the phase or stage of the budgeting cycle that you are in. You can overlap or stagger the preparation of activity scenarios. No restrictions are placed on the start and end dates. The 2007 Budget Scenario has the two activities, revenue and expense. The start and end dates of budget preparation of these two activity scenarios are not the same, but are overlapping.

Line Item Activity


(Calendar Years)

Start Date

End Date

Strategic Two-Year Plan

2007–2008 Plan

April 1, 2006

April 30, 2006

Projected Revenue

2007 Budget

July 1, 2006

August 31, 2006

Expense Budget

2007 Budget

August 1, 2006

September 30, 2006

Use the Activity-Scenario page in your planning model to define rules and indicate the start and end dates for preparation of the activity scenarios by users.

See Understanding Planning and Budgeting Parameters.

Model Page

Use the Model page (BP_MODEL) to create a planning model and assign the related default parameters.

Image: Model page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Model page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Model page

Copy Model Page

Use the Copy Model page (BP_MODEL_COPY) to copy an existing planning model to use as a starting point for a new planning model.

Copy an existing planning model to use as a starting point for a new planning model, open the new planning model, and then modify the parameters for the new model as needed.

Managing Activities and Scenarios in the Planning Model

Use the Activity Scenario page (BP_ACTV_SCEN) to set up and manage activities and scenarios in the planning model.

Image: Activity Scenario page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Activity Scenario page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Activity Scenario page


Access the Details tab of the Activity Scenario page.

Image: Activity Scenario page: Details tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Activity Scenario page: Details tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Activity Scenario page: Details tab

Based on the selected activity group and scenario group, the following table depicts all the permitted combinations of activity scenarios. The combinations allowed are driven by the budgeting type of the scenario group, each of the scenario types in the group, and the activity types allowed with each:


Scenario Type


Budgeting Type

Activity Type


Bottom Up


Top Down

Standard Budget Ledger

Line Item














Controlled Budget Ledger

Line Item














Project Budget Ledger

Line Item










Line Item Defaults

Access the Line Item Defaults tab of the Activity Scenario page.

Image: Activity Scenario page: Line Item Defaults tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Activity Scenario page: Line Item Defaults tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Activity Scenario page: Line Item Defaults tab

Security and Email

Access the Security and Email tab of the Activity Scenario page.

Image: Activity Scenario page: Security and Email tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Activity Scenario page: Security and Email tab. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Activity Scenario page: Security and Email tab

Compose Mail Page

Use the Compose Mail page (BP_EMAIL) to send email to users about budgets and plans.

Image: Compose Mail page (displaying the User Planning Centers group box)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Compose Mail page (displaying the User Planning Centers group box). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Compose Mail page (displaying the User Planning Centers group box)

Users designated as Planning and Budgeting users who have email addresses appear on this page. Enter email subject and text information in the Email Details section.

Dimension Level Summarization Page

Use the Dimension Level Summarization page (BP_ACT_SCN_LVL) to define dimension levels, including the planning center dimension, in which an activity scenario is prepared.

Image: Dimension Level Summarization page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Dimension Level Summarization page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Dimension Level Summarization page

The system displays all dimensions selected for the activity as well as the trees defined on the Activity Group Hierarchy page.

Note: Any activities associated with the planning model require dimensions for account and the planning center dimension.

If you have staged the activity scenario, you should not change the fields on this page.

Data Source Page

Use the Data Source page (BP_DATSRC_ASSET) to define data sources for asset activities.

Image: Data Source page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source page

The Data Source page for asset-related defaults is available only when you have defined an asset activity type that is used in conjunction with a bottom-up scenario type.

Data Source Page

Use the Data Source page (BP_SOURCE_SCEN) to define data sources for line item activities.

Image: Data Source page for line items

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source page for line items. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source page for line items


Comparison Scenarios

Target Scenario

Planning Targets Page

Use the Planning Targets page (BP_TGT_SUMMARY) to define planning target details for the activity scenario in the planning model.

Image: Planning Targets page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Planning Targets page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Planning Targets page

Spread Definition Page

Use the Spread Definition page (BP_ACTVSCN_SPRD) to enter spread IDs for a line item activity when AMTPER Method ID is used.

Enter defaults and available spread IDs for a position activity.

Image: Spread Definition page for line item

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Spread Definition page for line item. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Spread Definition page for line item

For the proposed line-item activity scenario, you can associate spread IDs to be used in conjunction with the amount per period (AMTPER) methods for budget preparation. When the scenario for the line item activity is a Forecast scenario type, the page is still available to allow for the AMTPER definitions.

Data Source Page

Use the Data Source page (BP_POS_SRC_SCEN) to define data sources for position activities.

Image: Data Source page for position activity

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Source page for position activity. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Data Source page for position activity

The Data Source page for position-related defaults is available only when you have defined a position activity type that is used in conjunction with a bottom-up scenario type.

Spread Definition Page

Use the Spread Definition page (BP_ACTVSCN_SPRD) to enter defaults and available spread IDs for a position activity

Image: Spread Definition page for position activity

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Spread Definition page for position activity. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Spread Definition page for position activity

For the proposed position activity scenario, you can associate spread IDs to be used in conjunction with the position budgeting (POSBUD) method for budget preparation.

The Position Budgeting Spread group box sets the global default for all positions in the activity scenario. This group box is available when:

  • A position activity is associated with a bottom-up scenario type.

    Note: The position activity is not supported with forecast or top-down scenario types.

  • The associated scenario is not using an annual calendar.

  • A standard or control budget type exists, as defined by the scenario group.

    Project type budgets do not allow position budgeting.

Assign Planning Method Defaults Page

Use the Assign Planning Method Defaults page (BP_MTH_GRP_DFLT) to assign method defaults by account to line item activities.

Image: Assign Planning Method Defaults page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Planning Method Defaults page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assign Planning Method Defaults page

To review and edit any of the planning method group defaults that are available for the line item activity, you can click the Method Group ID link (method group ID assigned in the activity group) in the Method Group column on the Line Items Defaults tab.

The Method Defaults link on the Line Item Defaults tab is used to assign any exceptions by account in the line item activity. Without a method default for an account, the system automatically assigns the BASBUD (base budget amount) method to every line item in a base budget and allows override for each row. Use the Assign Planning Method Defaults page to define exceptions by account, including override restrictions on methods.

Assign Methods

Override Controls

Select or clear the following check boxes to specify which method and related defaults (that you assign to each account row in the line item activity) the preparers can override using the data entry pages. Insert rows to identify exceptions to the base budget default method.

Note: If you do not change the system defaults for methods and method override controls assigned to a line item in the base budget, the system allows override of all method details.

Define View Page

Use the Define View page (BP_DEFINE_VIEW) to create or edit a public view definition to determine how users view data in line item activities.

Enter a view name and description.

Views defined here are public and available options when using a line item activity. Users can select these public views from the line item entry page while working on the activity.

User View Details Page

Use the User View Details page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN1) to enter a description to identify the public view details.

Row Display Filter Page

Use the Row Display Filter page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN2) to define dimension defaults that appear in a line item activity.

Image: Row Display Filter page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Row Display Filter page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Row Display Filter page


Filter Dimension Members

Row Display Options Page

Use the Row Display Options page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN3) to define whether dimension values appear in line item activities at the detail or summary level.

Define amount types and currency display options.

Image: Row Display Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Row Display Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Row Display Options page

Note: If the model is not defined as a multicurrency model, the currency options are unavailable.

The system does not add statistical amounts to totals or display statistical amounts at the summary level of a node. If you select Display Entry Currency, the system does not summarize statistical amounts. To summarize statistical amounts at the node level, select a specific dimension value for statistics code.

To display:

Set these filter dimension values:

Set these currency and statistics options:

No currency

1 statistics code

Select a statistics code

Display Statistic Rows

No currency

All statistics


Display Statistic Rows

All entry currency

All statistic codes


  • Display Entry Currency

  • Display Statistic Rows

1 entry currency

No statistic codes

Select a currency code

  • Display Entry Currency

  • Display Target Currency (optional)

All entry currency

No statistics


  • Display Entry Currency

  • Display Target Currency (optional)

When you use statistical accounts, if you select Display Statistic Rows, the system displays statistical accounts, but these accounts are not rolled up or summarized with currency data. If you leave the dimension value blank, when displaying currency or statistics, the system displays all values.

Use the Row Display Options page to set currency and statistics options.

Column Display Options Page

Use the Column Display Options page (BP_USRVIEW_DEFN4) to define the type of data that appears in line item activity columns.

Image: Column Display Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Column Display Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Column Display Options page

Note: The system displays ledger data associated with the analysis base that you define using the Data Source page for the line-item activity scenario.

The coordinator defines analysis bases that determine historical periods included in the view. The historical information appears as annual totals in the columns.

Assign Email Templates Page

Use the Assign Email Templates page (BP_MDL_TMPL_DEFN) to assign email templates for specific actions for the line item activity scenario.

Image: Assign Email Templates page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign Email Templates page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assign Email Templates page

Currency Options Page

Use the Currency Options page (BP_MODEL_CURR) to for a multicurrency model, select entry and target currency codes used in the planning model.

Image: Currency Options page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Currency Options page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Currency Options page

Note: The Currency Options tab is available when you select multicurrency on the Model page.

See Understanding Multiple Currencies.

If you are working with a multicurrency planning model, the Currency Options grid displays the one or more rows that you define, and the three available check boxes, in which the base business unit currency definition is the default. After one activity scenario has been staged, you cannot delete any rows or change any check boxes.

Note: After you stage a model, you cannot change the values on the Currency Options page. To add or delete currencies, you cannot have a single activity or scenario staged in the planning model.