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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center Adding and Provisioning Hardware
12c Release 1 (

Part Number E27324-01
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Oracle® Enterprise Manager Ops Center

Adding and Provisioning Hardware

12c Release 1 (


August 2012

This guide provides an end-to-end example for how to use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center.


This document describes one of the solutions for a set of several servers that have been discovered and are managed, but have various configurations for their service processors and RAID controllers. The goal is a set of servers with the same configuration that you can then provision with operating systems. The goal is accomplished by creating a deployment plan to do the following:

The deployment plan does not install an operating system.

See Related Articles and Resources for links to related information and articles.

What You Will Need

You will need the following to add new hardware to your data center, to check the firmware on the new systems, and to reconfigure the servers.

Hardware and Software Configuration

The servers are managed assets. You have at least one server with the desired BIOS configuration, Service Processor configuration, and RAID Controller configuration.

The target servers' service processors must all use ILOM 3.0 or later.

The firmware images are in the software library.

Create a Server Hardware Deployment Plan

These are the tasks for configuring a set of servers:

Create a Service Processor Profile

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane and the select Profiles and Policies.

  2. Expand Service Processor.

  3. Click Create Profile in the Action pane. Enter a name for the profile and select the type of server. This affects the remaining steps. Click Next.

    Description of sp_step1.png follows
    Description of the illustration sp_step1.png

  4. Enter the username and password for the service processor's Administrator's account. Then enter a new password. All service processors that are configured using this profile will have this password.

  5. Domain Name Service maps host names to IP addresses. To enable the service, select the Use DNS checkbox and then either select the Auto DNS via DHCP checkbox or enter the names of up to three DNS servers.

  6. The service processor uses the Proxy Controller's time zone by default. You can choose another time zone, but for this general profile, accept the default action.

The Day1 profile is displayed in the Plans and Profiles section.

Create a RAID Controller Profile

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane and the select Profiles and Policies.

  2. Expand RAID Controller.

    Description of profile.png follows
    Description of the illustration profile.png

  3. Click Create Profile in the Action pane. The first step of the profile wizard is displayed. Enter a name for the profile and accept the default action to create a deployment plan that has this profile as its step. Click Next.

    Description of raid_step1.png follows
    Description of the illustration raid_step1.png

  4. Enter a name for the volume and choose its RAID level. Your options for RAID level depends on the number of available disks. The default RAID level, RAID0, is not recommended.

    Description of raid_types.png follows
    Description of the illustration raid_types.png

    Depending on the RAID level you select, the minimum number of disks in the volume changes. You can accept the default values for the number of disks and its stripe size or you can modify them. Click Next.

    Description of raid_step2.png follows
    Description of the illustration raid_step2.png

  5. Because the profile will be used for the RAID controllers of several servers, choose the option to allow the RAID Controller to select disks. Enter the ID of the RAID Controller. Click Next.

    Description of raid_step3.png follows
    Description of the illustration raid_step3.png

  6. Review your selections and click Finish to submit the job.

The new profile and plan are available from the Assets pane.

Identify the Firmware Update Profiles

When a firmware image is imported into a software library, the default action is to also create a profile and a deployment plan that provisions the image. Your software library has provisioning profiles for all of the types of firmware images your site uses. If you need to add a firmware image, use the procedures in Keeping Your Firmware Up-to-Date in the How To library.

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane and then select Profiles and Policies.

  2. Expand Firmware. The center pane lists all of the existing firmware profiles.

  3. To see the contents of the profile, select it and then click the Edit Profile icon.

    If you want to use the profile but with different attributes, select it and click Copy Profile.

Create the Deployment Plan

  1. Expand Plan Management in the Navigation pane.

    Description of navigate.png follows
    Description of the illustration navigate.png

  2. Select Configure Server Hardware and Install OS. The details of this type of complex plan are displayed in the center pane. In this example, the OS installation step is not included. This creates version 1 of the plan.

    Description of deploy_plan_template.png follows
    Description of the illustration deploy_plan_template.png

  3. Click Create Plan from Template in the Actions pane. The Create Deployment Plan window is displayed.

  4. Edit the following details of the plan:

    • Plan Name – The name you enter is used in the UI, for example, in the Plan Management section.

    • Description – Provide a description of the plan.

    • Failure Policy – Select the option to complete as much of the plan as possible.

  5. For the Configure Service Processor step, click in the Associated Profile/Deployment Plan column to see the drop-down list. Select the Service Processor profile.

  6. For the Configure RAID Controller step, select the new Configure RAID Controller profile from the list.

  7. For the Update Firmware step, select the name of the image's profile from the list.

  8. For the Install OS step, keep the Do Not Include in This Plan entry.

  9. Click Save. The new plan is created as version v1.

Apply the Deployment Plan

  1. Shut down each server using the Power Off action.

  2. Click Plan Management section in the Navigation pane.

  3. Expand Deployment Plans and select Configure Server Hardware and Install OS.

  4. Select the plan that was created in the previous section.

  5. Right-click the plan and click Apply Deployment Plan.

  6. Select the targets on which you want to apply the plan.

  7. Apply the plan with minimal interaction to provide only the required resource assignments. If there are any incorrect assignments from the profile, they are highlighted in red. Assign the correct resources.

What's Next?

You now have servers with the same service processor configuration and firmware. You can now install operating systems. For information about provisioning an operating system, see the How To library at

Related Articles and Resources

The following chapters in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Feature Reference Guide contain more information:

See Keeping the Firmware Up to Date in for information about firmware images.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center Adding and Provisioning Hardware, 12c Release 1 (


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