Application Guide for Oracle Self-Service E-Billing (Business Edition) > Statement Presentment >

Viewing a Usage Type Summary

Use the Viewing a Usage Type Summary use case to allow a user to view the Usage Type breakdown for each Service Type (voice, messages, and data). Table 21 lists and describes the features.

Table 21. Viewing a Usage Type Summary


Viewing a Usage Type Summary.

Functional Area


Primary User

Business administrator user, business manager user, and business subscriber user, consumer primary user.


The user selects a total usage charges on the Service Summary page.

Standard Features

  • Printer-friendly view
  • Download CSV or XML

Configuration Points

Report Threshold Value for Batch Mode. Determines the number of result set lines above which a report must process in batch mode instead of as an online download. You can set values for each type of download file:

  • CSV. The maximum number of output lines.
  • XML. A percentage of the CSV threshold value (Default is 20%).

For example, if the CSV report threshold is set to 3,000 result set lines, then an XML threshold value set at 20% must process in batch mode when there are 600 or more result set lines in the CSV file.

Main Path for Viewing a Usage Type Summary

The user selects Total Usage Charges in Service Summary. The UI displays the Usage Summary for the current service agreement and current period.

Alternate Paths for Viewing a Usage Type Summary

The following alternate paths apply to View Usage Summary.

The User Selects a Different Service Agreement Number

The UI displays the Usage Summary for the selected service agreement number and current period.

The User Selects a Different Bill Date

The UI displays the Usage Summary for the current service agreement number for the selected period.

The User Selects a Different Usage Type

Oracle Self-Service E-Billing displays the Usage Summary for the current service agreement number for the selected period and usage type.

The User Selects a Usage Type Total Link

This path has the following usage types:

  • Usage Type 1 (voice) links to Voice Detail Report for the current service agreement and current period.
  • Usage Type 2 (messages) links to Messages Detail Report for the current service agreement and current period.
  • Usage Type 3 (data) links to Data Detail Report for the current service agreement and current period.
  • Usage Type n links to N Detail Report for the current service agreement and current period.
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