3.1.5 Internet Facing Services

The most challenging model for securing a network connected host is placing VM based services directly on the Internet. In this case, great care must be taken to insure that the environment won't be compromised through a wide variety of penetration techniques and exploits from a large, diverse and aggressive set of threats.

Even on an untrusted internal network without intrusion detection, internal users are known quantities and typically aware that they are being monitored, so they generally do not tend to be abusive or even overly curious. In contrast, the Internet provides virtual anonymity for malicious individuals, criminal gangs and hostile, well equipped governments. With an anonymous cloak, probing and attacking high profile network segments with automated tools that run 24/7 is a standard procedure. On perimeter firewalls, aggressive penetration attempts on the ssh, mysql, oracle, netbios and smtp service ports can typically be measured in "attacks per second".

There are a variety of topologies to provide zone isolation that can help to repel attacks and mitigate the effects of a successful intrusion event. The following describes some basic approaches.

Guidelines for network models involving Internet facing services:

  • Implement all the guidelines for untrusted internal networks.

  • All Internet facing hosts and VMs reside on an isolated network stub called a DMZ (for demilitarized zone). Connections into and out of the network are managed and monitored by a stateful firewall that enforces well defined rules and policies. If possible, an individual DMZ VLAN per VM is optimal for guest VM isolation.

  • Never place Oracle VM Manager or any other mission critical administration tool on the Internet. Use a VPN to access these hosts on secure internal admin networks. This in particular applies to networked storage: these hosts should not be on the Internet-facing network.

  • Place each dom0 (Oracle VM Server) that is hosting Internet-exposed VMs in an administrative DMZ. This zone cannot initiate connections to the internal network or the Internet, but is reachable from an administrator VLAN. The dom0 itself should not the reachable from the Internet or the internal network.

  • Use selinux on Internet-exposed Linux VM guests whenever possible.