1.2.3 Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege states that users should be given the least amount of privilege to perform their jobs. Over-ambitious granting of responsibilities, roles, grants, etc., especially early on in an organization’s life cycle when people are few and work needs to be done quickly, often leaves a system wide open for abuse. User privileges should be reviewed periodically to determine relevance to current job responsibilities.

However, Oracle VM is a server virtualization solution, and is an administrator's tool in the first place. Access to Oracle VM Manager is controlled by the underlying WebLogic application server, and while it is possible to create multiple accounts to log in to Oracle VM Manager, the privileges for all administrator accounts are the same. Consequently, it is recommended to create administrator accounts only for those who need full access to Oracle VM configuration and resources, and to use a strong password on each account. Use passwords between 8 and 16 characters in length consisting of a combination of small letters, capital letters and numeric characters.

For users who need access to one or more virtual machines, but are not allowed to modify the Oracle VM configuration, an administrator may set up remote access on the virtual machines. For a Windows server, RDP can be used; for a Unix server you can use SSH for command line access, and VNC in case a graphical desktop environment is used. Connect the virtual machines to a network that is accessible from the trusted internal network.

If the specific implementation of Oracle VM is a large scale configuration that requires finer grained role based access control, an alternative is to manage the environment through Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center. In this configuration, access control is an integral part of Enterprise Manager Ops Center.

Oracle VM subscriptions include full, complete use of Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control and Oracle Enterprise Manager OpsCenter. Customers who purchase Oracle VM subscriptions have an included license to use these products' virtualization and operating system management features as part of Oracle VM. We see the complete set of products (Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control, Oracle Enterprise Manager OpsCenter, Oracle VM Manager and Oracle VM Agent) as one product suite. Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c has complete Role Based Access Control, LDAP/Directory Services integration, a complete cloud self service end-user portal and cloud administrator portal. All these features are part of the Oracle VM portfolio without additional license cost. For more information about this integration of cloud components, see http://blogs.oracle.com/virtualization/entry/crash_course_role_based_access.