6.86 Renaming of QLogic cLOM8214 1/10 Gigabit Ethernet NIC is Incorrect

On some systems at initial install, udev may rename the QLogic cLOM8214 1/10GbE Ethernet port to __tmpxxxxxxxx. This is due to a slow initialization of the port.

Workaround: Determine which interface name the QLogic cLOM8214 1/10GbE Ethernet NIC should use, for example eth1. Find the MAC address for the QLogic cLOM8214 1/10GbE Ethernet NIC that you want to configure. You can do this by running the following command and studying its output to find the incorrectly named interface:

# cat /etc/issue
IF : bond0      MAC : 1c:c1:de:74:b9:34 IP :
IF : eth0       MAC : 1c:c1:de:74:b9:34
IF : eth1       MAC : 1c:c1:de:74:b9:35
IF : __tmp713192749     MAC : 24:be:05:ef:5a:f4 

In /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts, create an ifcfg-ethx configuration file for the interface name that you wish to use and ensure that the file contains a line that expresses the MAC address for the NIC that you want to assign to this interface name. For example, using the example output from the previous command, you could create a new file at /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2 with the following contents:


Finally, bring up the interface using the ifconfig command. For example:

ifconfig eth2 up

Bug 15897549