15.10 Updating Agents Remotely

This section provides the following topics for agents registered with Access Manager, regardless of agent type:

15.10.1 Updating Agent Registrations Remotely

Regardless of agent type, you can remotely update agents registered with Access Manager.

This topic provides the steps to update agents registered with Access Manager, regardless of agent type. Before you begin, review Remote Agent Update Modes

  1. Set up the registration tool as described in, "Acquiring and Setting Up the Remote Registration Tool".
  2. Create your update request using one of the following templates:
  3. On the computer hosting the Agent, run the following command with agentUpdate mode specify your own *Request*.xml as the input file. For example:
    ./bin/oamreg.sh agentUpdate input/*UpdateAgentRequest.xml
  4. Provide the registration Administrator user name and password when asked.
  5. Read the messages on-screen to confirm:
    • Success: On-screen message confirms

      agentUpdate process completed successfully!

      Native Configuration File Location: "... created in output folder ..."

      The output folder is in the same location where RREG.tar.gz was expanded: /rreg/output/AgentName/

  6. Finalize Agent Registration: Copy the updated ObAccessClient.xml and cwallet.sso.

    From the AdminServer (Console) host: /rreg/output/Agent_Name/

    To the Agent host: $11gWG_install_dir/WebGate/config. For example:

    • $WebTier_MW_Home/Oracle_WT1/instances/instance1/ config/OHS/ohs1/WebGate/config
  7. Restart the OAM Server that is hosting this agent and proceed to "Validating an Agent Registration Remotely".

15.10.2 Validating an Agent Registration Remotely

Regardless of agent type, you can remotely validate agent registration.

This topic provides the steps to validate agent registration, regardless of agent type. Before you begin, review Remote Agent Update Modes

  1. Set up the registration tool as described in, "Acquiring and Setting Up the Remote Registration Tool".
  2. On the Agent host, run the following command in agentValidate mode. For example:
    ./bin/oamreg.sh agentValidate agentname
  3. Provide the registration Administrator user name and password when asked.
  4. Read the messages on-screen to confirm:
    • Success: On-screen message confirms

      AgentValidation process completed successfully!

15.10.3 Removing an Agent Registration Remotely

You can remove a registered agent, regardless of agent type.

Before you begin, review Remote Agent Update Modes

  1. Set up the registration tool as described in, "Acquiring and Setting Up the Remote Registration Tool".
  2. On the computer hosting the Agent, run the following agentDelete command. For example:
    ./bin/oamreg.sh agentDelete agentname
  3. Provide the registration Administrator user name and password when asked.
  4. Read the messages on-screen to confirm:
    • Success: On-screen message confirms

      AgentDelete process completed successfully!