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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Uses of Class

Packages that use PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException   


Uses of PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException in


Methods in that throw PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException
 void ExtensionManager.deleteAttribute(java.lang.String name, boolean cascade)
          Delete an attribute.
 void ExtensionManager.deleteFunction(java.lang.String name, boolean cascade)
          Remove a function.
 void PermissionSetManager.deletePermissionSet(java.lang.String name, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the permission set, if cascade option is set to true, related policies are moved in the same time, otherwise, if related policies exist, throw out an PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException.
 void ResourceManager.deleteResource(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, java.lang.String name, boolean cascade)
          Deletes the resource.
 void ResourceTypeManager.deleteResourceType(java.lang.String name, boolean cascadeDelete)
          Deletes the resource type.
 java.util.List<ResourceEntry> ResourceFinder.getResources(java.lang.String resourceTypeName, ResourceSearchQuery query)
          Search for resources based on SearchQuery.


Uses of PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException in


Methods in that throw PolicyStoreOperationNotAllowedException
 java.util.List<T> AttributeEntry.getMultipleValue()
          Get the value of this attribute, if the attribute contains multiple values.
 java.util.List<T> BasicAttributeEntry.getMultipleValue()
          Gets all values of the attribute if it has more than one
 T AttributeEntry.getValue()
          Get the value of this attribute, if the attribute contains single value.
 T BasicAttributeEntry.getValue()
          Gets the value of the attribute if it has a single value
 void BasicResourceActionsEntry.setAllAction()
 void AttributeEntry.setMultipleValue(java.util.List<T> values)
          Set the multiple values for this attribute
 void BasicAttributeEntry.setMultipleValue(java.util.List<T> values)
          Set the multiple values to this attribute
 void AttributeEntry.setValue(T value)
          Set the value for this attribute
 void BasicAttributeEntry.setValue(T value)
          Sets a single value to the attribute


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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