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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


Uses of Interface

Packages that use AppRoleEntry   


Uses of AppRoleEntry in


Methods in that return types with arguments of type AppRoleEntry
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> PolicyStore.getAppRoles(StoreAppRoleSearchQuery query)
          Search ApplicationRoles across one or more Applications based upon user specified criteria (query)
Caller should have PolicyStoreAccessPermission("context=APPLICATION,name=Queried Applicaiton's stripe Id" , "getApplicationPolicy") permission to search for roles.
If the caller does not supply an application name (or supplies a partial application name with some MATCHER other than EXACT) then they should have PolicyStoreAccessPermission("context=APPLICATION, name=*" , "getApplicationPolicy") to search for app roles.
static java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> PolicyStoreUtil.searchAppRoles(java.lang.String appID, java.lang.String rolenameExp)


Uses of AppRoleEntry in


Methods in that return AppRoleEntry
 AppRoleEntry AppRoleManager.createAppRole(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String description)
          Creates the requested application role in the policy store.
 AppRoleEntry AppRoleManager.getAppRole(java.lang.String name)
          Get Application Role by the given name


Methods in that return types with arguments of type AppRoleEntry
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> AppRoleManager.getAllGrantedAppRoles(PrincipalEntry principal)
          Get the app roles directly or indirectly granted to App roles for the principal
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ChangeLogManager.getApplicationRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns the added AND modified roles in the current application policy after the timestamp specified in the query The timestamp must be obtained from the API: ChangeLogManager.getLastModifiedTimeStamp(String, ChangeLogEntity)
Note that the returned list may contain duplicates of Application Roles returned earlier.
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> AppRoleManager.getAppRoles(AppRoleSearchQuery query)
          Get Application Roles by the given query
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> ChangeLogManager.getDeletedAppRoles(ChangeLogSearchQuery query)
          Returns all approles deleted from the current application policy after the supplied timestamp
 java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> AppRoleManager.getDirectGrantedAppRoles(PrincipalEntry principal)
          Get the app roles directly granted to App roles for the principal


Methods in with parameters of type AppRoleEntry
 void AppRoleManager.grantAppRole(AppRoleEntry role, java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principals)
          Grant the app role to a list of principals
 void AppRoleManager.modifyAppRole(AppRoleEntry role)
          Modify Application Role
 void AppRoleManager.revokeAppRole(AppRoleEntry role, java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principals)
          Revoke the app role to a list of principals


Method parameters in with type arguments of type AppRoleEntry
 RolePolicyEntry RolePolicyManager.createRolePolicy(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String displayName, java.lang.String description, java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> appRoleEntries, java.util.List<PrincipalEntry> principalEntries, PolicyRuleEntry rule, java.util.List<ResourceEntry> resourceNames, java.util.List<ResourceNameExpression> resourceNameExpressions)
          Create a Role Policy.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> GrantManager.getGrantsForApplicationRoles(java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> appRoleNameEntries, boolean order)
          Search for Grants based on one or more Application Roles.
 java.util.List<GrantEntry> GrantManager.getGrantsForApplicationRolesAndPermissionSets(java.util.List<AppRoleEntry> appRoleNameEntries, boolean appRoleOrder, java.util.List<PermissionSetEntry> permissionSetEntries, boolean permSetOrder)
          Search for Grants based on Application Roles AND Permission Sets.


Uses of AppRoleEntry in


Methods in that return types with arguments of type AppRoleEntry
 java.util.Set<AppRoleEntry> RolePolicyEntry.getAppRoleEntries()
          Returns Application Roles associated with the Role Policy.


Methods in with parameters of type AppRoleEntry
 void RolePolicyEntry.addAppRole(AppRoleEntry appRole)
          Add an application role to the policy
 void RolePolicyEntry.deleteAppRole(AppRoleEntry appRole)
          Removes an application role from the policy.


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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Entitlements Server
11g Release 2 (11.1.2)


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