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Interface FinalizationHandler

All Superinterfaces:

public interface FinalizationHandler
extends oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler


  1. Finalization is the end stage. Event handler in this stage, is for finalization purposes only, and cannot alter the flow of the process anymore.
  2. Finalization handlers can be executed in synchronous mode only.
  3. If an finalization event cannot be executed, or Finalization event handler throws an exception, process is in "Failed" state.
  4. When a process is in "Failed" state, the failed event handlers registered for the finalization event will be executed. If no failed event handlers are provided, process will remain in failed until handleFailed is called.

Example event handler declaration :

 <finalization-handler orch-target="oracle.iam.platform.kernel.vo.SampleOrchestrationTarget" 
      class="oracle.iam.platform.kernel.test.SampleFinalizationHandler" entity-type="ANY" operation="OPERATION" 
      name="Finalization2" order="2" />

Method Summary
 void finalize(long processId, long eventId, BulkOrchestration orchestration)
          Method containing the actual implementation for finalization of current bulk orchestration
 void finalize(long processId, long eventId, Orchestration orchestration)
          Method containing the actual implementation for finalization of current orchestration


Methods inherited from interface oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler


Method Detail


void finalize(long processId,
              long eventId,
              Orchestration orchestration)
Method containing the actual implementation for finalization of current orchestration
processId, - Id of the orchestration process
eventId, - Id of the orchestartion event
orchestration, - Value object containing information such as orchestartion parameters, operation.


void finalize(long processId,
              long eventId,
              BulkOrchestration orchestration)
Method containing the actual implementation for finalization of current bulk orchestration
processId, - Id of the orchestration process
eventId, - Id of the orchestartion event
orchestration, - Value object containing information such as orchestartion parameters, operation.

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