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Package oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi

Interfaces for various kernel event handler types


Interface Summary
ConditionalEventHandler If any event handler to be executed conditionally, that event handler should implement this interface
FailedHandler Failed handlers specify how failures should be handled for a particular stage, event or child process. Failed handlers can be both synchronous and asynchronous. All stages but Preview and Validation can define their failed handlers. Child process can define its failed handlers to tell orchestration engine how to proceed when error occurred in Preview or Validation stage. To register a failed handler for all child process type, specify the "stage" attribute to "change". To register a failed handler for one kind of child process type, specify the "event" attribute to the child process type [i.e.
FinalizationHandler Finalization Finalization is the end stage.
PostProcessHandler Post Process Post-process event handlers can be both synchronous and asynchronous. Post process always executes asynchronously.
PreProcessHandler Pre Process Pre-process event handlers can be both synchronous and asynchronous. If a pre-process event cannot be executed, or pre-process event handler throws an exception, process is in "Failed" state. If the event handler is executed in synchronous mode, it must return an event result, if the event handler is executed in asynchronous mode, it must return null.
ValidationHandler Validation Handler Validation event handlers can look at the operation, new entity, old entity and can decide if the operation can proceed or not. If the validation cannot be performed, e.g., the event handler cannot be executed by the orchestration, ValidationFailedException is thrown. By default a system validation will be called to make sure the action can be performed, and that action is available to be performed.


Package oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi Description

Interfaces for various kernel event handler types

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