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Interface PostProcessHandler

All Superinterfaces:
oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.Cancellable, oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.Compensable, oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler

public interface PostProcessHandler
extends oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler, oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.Compensable, oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.Cancellable

Post Process

  1. Post-process event handlers can be both synchronous and asynchronous.
  2. Post process always executes asynchronously. However indicating the event handler as sync, means orchestration engine will wait for the event handler to finish and goes to the next based on the result.
  3. If a post-process event cannot be executed, or post-process event handler throws an exception, process is in "Failed" state.
  4. If the event handler is executed in synchronous mode, it must return an event result, if the event handler is executed in asynchronous mode, it must return null. If the event handler returns in other combination, we move the process to "Failed" state.
  5. When a process is in "Failed" state, the failed event handlers registered for the post-process event will be executed. If no failed event handlers are provided, process will remain in failed until handleFailed is called.
  6. Post-process event handler can return an Event Result that can perform the following:
  7. If there are no post-process events to be performed, orchestration engine will execute the "deferred" orchestration changes.
  8. Process can be moved to "Cancelled Stage" by calling cancel.
  9. Event Handlers will be notified by calling cancel, if the process is cancelled, and the event handler is currently in execution.
  10. Event handlers can implement compensate, to compensate for changes if the orchestration didn't go through.

Example event handler declaration :

 <action-handler class="oracle.iam.platform.kernel.test.SamplePostProcessHandler" entity-type="User" 
     operation="CREATE" name="PostProcess1" order="FIRST" stage="postprocess" sync="TRUE">

Method Summary
 boolean cancel(long processId, long eventId, AbstractGenericOrchestration orchestration)
          Method containing the logic that need to be executed if the orchestration is cancelled.
 BulkEventResult execute(long processId, long eventId, BulkOrchestration orchestration)
          Method containing the actual implementation of this post process event handler for bulk orchestration
 EventResult execute(long processId, long eventId, Orchestration orchestration)
          Method containing the actual implementation of this post process event handler


Methods inherited from interface oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.EventHandler


Methods inherited from interface oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.Compensable


Method Detail


EventResult execute(long processId,
                    long eventId,
                    Orchestration orchestration)
Method containing the actual implementation of this post process event handler
processId, - Id of the orchestration process
eventId, - Id of the orchestartion event
orchestration, - Value object containing information such as orchestartion parameters, operation.
Outcome of the event handler. If the event handler is defined to execute in a synchronous mode, it must return a result. If it is defined execute in asynchronous mode, it must return null.


BulkEventResult execute(long processId,
                        long eventId,
                        BulkOrchestration orchestration)
Method containing the actual implementation of this post process event handler for bulk orchestration
processId, - Id of the orchestration process
eventId, - Id of the orchestartion event
orchestration, - Value object containing information such as orchestartion parameters, operation.
Outcome of the event handler. If the event handler is defined to execute in a synchronous mode, it must return a result. If it is defined execute in asynchronous mode, it must return null.


boolean cancel(long processId,
               long eventId,
               AbstractGenericOrchestration orchestration)
Method containing the logic that need to be executed if the orchestration is cancelled. This would be called only for asynchronous actions.
Specified by:
cancel in interface oracle.iam.platform.kernel.spi.Cancellable
processId, - Id of the orchestration process
eventId, - Id of the orchestartion event
orchestration, - Value object containing information such as orchestartion parameters, operation.

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