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Oracle® Communications Instant Messaging Server System Administrator's Guide
Release 9.0.2

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17 Configuring the Facebook Gateway

Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server provides a Facebook Gateway that enables chat between Instant Messaging Server users and their Facebook contacts. This chapter describes how to configure the Facebook Gateway. It contains the following main sections:


Currently, Convergence is the only client that can access the Facebook Gateway.

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector

You can configure the Facebook Gateway and the GWC during initial Instant Messaging Server configuration when running the configure utility or you can use the imconfutil command to configure the Gateway and GWC after initial configuration. This section provides instructions for configuring the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector on a single host. For information on administering the Gateway, see "Administering Instant Messaging Server Components".

For information on commands for such operations as starting, stopping, and displaying the status of the Gateway Connector, see "imadmin Command Reference".

The topics covered in this section are:

Using the configure Utility for the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector

To use the configure utility to configure the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector during initial configuration:

  1. Start the configure utility, for example:

    /opt/sun/comms/im/sbin/configure --nodisplay
  2. Configure the Gateway Connector (GWC) by entering input in response to the utility's Network Access Points panel. The following shows sample input for the server keystore and password files.

    Network Access Points
    Do you want to go back to previous panel [no]:
    Domain Name [your domain name]:
    XMPP Port [5222]:
    Multiplexed XMPP Port [45222]:
    Gateway Connector Port [55222]:
    XMPP Server Port [5269]:
    Disable Server [no]:
    Enable SSL [yes]:
    Server keystore file: /key.jks
    Server password file: /sslpassword.conf
  3. Configure the Facebook Gateway by entering input in response to the Facebook Gateway Configuration panel. For Facebook API Key and Facebook API Secret, enter the API key and Secret obtained when you registered the Facebook application on the Facebook website.

    Facebook Gateway Configuration
    Do you want to go back to previous panel [no]:
    Enable Facebook Gateway [no]:
    Facebook API Key:
    Facebook API Secret:
    Gateway Connectors [your domain name:55222]:

Manually Configuring the Facebook Gateway and Gateway Connector

You can manually configure Facebook Gateway and GWC properties using the imconfutil command. The following shows the commands for setting the configuration properties. For descriptions of the properties, see "Facebook Gateway Properties" and "Gateway Connector Properties".

imconfutil set-prop iim_gwc.enable=true -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop iim.gwplugins=fim -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.enable=true -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.iim_gw_name="FB Gateway" -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.iim_gw_type=facebook -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.port=5222 -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop iim.gwconnectorentries=host1:port1,host2:port2....,hostN:portN
-c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.apikey=apikey value -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.apisecret=apisecret value -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml
imconfutil set-prop fim.usetls=true -c InstantMessaging_cfg/iim.conf.xml

Facebook Gateway Properties

Table 17-1 lists the Facebook Gateway properties.

Table 17-1 Facebook Gateway Properties

Property Default Value Description



Facebook Gateway plug-in entry.


Facebook Gateway

Facebook Gateway name.



Facebook Gateway type.

Gateway Connector Properties

Table 17-2 lists the GWC properties.

Table 17-2 Gateway Connector Properties

Property Default Value Description



Controls whether the imadmin command starts the GWC process.



Fully-qualified host name and port (host:port) for the GWC process.



Maximum number of channels for the GWC process.



Options to be passed to the Java VM when starting the GWC.

Deployment Planning

The Instant Messaging Server Facebook Gateway architecture consists of the Gateway itself and the GWC (see "Gateway Connector (GWC)"). Before you configure the Gateway, you need to register the Facebook application with the Facebook website. See the Facebook documentation at:

Gateway Connector (GWC)

The GWC multiplexes a single connection from the Instant Messaging server to multiple socket connections to the Facebook server. You can install the GWC on the same machine as the Instant Messaging server or on a separate host. Additionally, you can install multiple GWC instances for a single Instant Messaging server.

Registering the Facebook Application

Before configuring the Facebook Gateway, you need to register the Facebook application with the Facebook website. Doing so provides you with an API key and an API secret, which you then provide when you configure the Gateway.

Facebook requires you to use X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM SASL as the authentication mechanism for any proxy connection for an XMPP service. This mechanism uses the access token that is generated after allowing the Facebook application to access the XMPP service on behalf of the user. Convergence contains built-in support for generating the access token in the background.

For more information on registering a Facebook application and for application requirements, see the Facebook documentation at: