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Release 9.0.2

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18 Configuring the HTTPBIND Gateway

This chapter describes how to configure the HTTPBIND Gateway for Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server.

About the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway provides Instant Messaging access to non-XMPP based clients, such as HTML-based clients and clients behind firewalls that allow HTTP traffic, but does not permit XMPP traffic. The gateway proxies Instant Messaging traffic to the XMPP server on behalf of HTTP clients.

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway is deployed with the Instant Messenger resource files as a web application on the web container.

Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Files

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway uses the following files for configuration:

Configuring the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

When you run the configure utility after installation, you can choose to deploy the XMPP/HTTP Gateway or not. If enabled, the configure utility creates a default configuration file (httpbind.conf) for the gateway. You can change the configuration by modifying the values in this file. See "XMPP and HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters" for a description of httpbind.conf file syntax, file location, and a list of configuration parameters in this file, or refer to the instructions in this section.

In addition, when you choose to deploy the gateway during initial configuration, the configure utility creates a .war file in the InstantMessaging_home/work directory and then deploys this file on GlassFish Server in the directory you specified for the code base.

You can also configure the gateway to use a non-default configuration file by modifying the values in the web.xml file, which is deployed with the client resources on the GlassFish Server.

The instructions in this section assume the gateway configuration file is httpbind.conf. If you are using a non-default configuration file, substitute your configuration file for httpbind.conf in the instructions.

Any time you make a change to httpbind.conf, you will need to restart the XMPP/HTTP Gateway.

This section contains the following instructions:

For instructions on configuring logging for the gateway, see "Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway".

To Enable or Disable the Instant Messaging Server XMPP/HTTP Gateway

You enable the gateway by running the configure utility. You can disable the gateway later by using GlassFish Server tools.

  1. To enable the gateway:

    1. Invoke the configure utility.

      For more information, see the topic on configuring Instant Messaging Server after installation in Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

    2. Choose to deploy the gateway when prompted.

  2. To disable the gateway, use GlassFish Server tools to disable the web application.

To Configure HTTPBIND Manually

The high-level steps to manually configure HTTPBIND include:

  1. Configuring HTTPBIND

  2. Configuring GlassFish Server

  3. Configuring Instant Messaging Server

  4. Deploying HTTPBIND

To manually configure HTTPBIND:

  1. Run the iwadmin command to generate the zip file for HTTPBIND.

    iwadmin generatezip httpbind -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/httpbind.conf -d /tmp/

    See "iwadmin Command Reference" for more information.

  2. Unzip the generated zip file.

    unzip /tmp/ -d /tmp/
  3. Copy the config template file from the zipped folders's config directory to the config directory of httpbind. In the following example, /opt/sun/comms/im/config is the config directory of httpbind.

    cp /tmp/httpbind/config/httpbind.conf.template /opt/sun/comms/im/config/httpbind.conf
  4. Copy the log template file of httpbind to the config directory

    cp /tmp/httpbind/config/httpbind_log4j.conf.template /opt/sun/comms/im/config/httpbind_log4j.conf

    See "Managing Instant Messaging Server Logging by Using log4j" for log-related configurations.

  5. Edit the httpbind.conf file (by default, located in the /opt/sun/comms/im/config directory) to set the following properties:

    • Domain:

    • Multihosting to false: default.multihosting=false

    • Host name and port of Instant Messaging Server host:

    • Component jid of httpbind:

    • Password: default.password=password

      To set the password in plain text, comment out the following parameters:


      See "To Use Encrypted Passwords" to use encrypted passwords.

  6. Set the path to the log4j file used by HTTPBIND:


    See the following sections for additional HTTPBIND-related configuration settings.

  7. To configure GlassFish Server for HTTPBIND, on the GlassFish Server, enable Comet support:

    asadmin set --user admin --secure=true --host localhost --port 4848 ''
    asadmin set --user admin --secure=true --host localhost --port 4848 ''
  8. Run the following commands to configure Instant Messaging Server:

    imconfutil -u set-listener-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml s2s protocols=s2s,component,c2s
    imconfutil -u set-prop -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml iim_server.useport=true
    imconfutil add-component -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml  id=httpbind1 password=password

    Ensure that the jid and password match with the ones that you configured in the httpbind.conf file (step 5).

  9. To deploy HTTPBIND, deploy the httpbind.war file, from the unzipped file generated in step 1, to Glassfish Server.

  10. Restart GlassFish Server.

  11. Restart Instant Messaging Server.

When you manually configure HTTPBIND, ensure that the files in the config directory, and encryption key files if you are using password encryption, have read permissions set for GlassFish Server. When you run the configure utility, the utility ensures that the permissions are correct when you configure HTTPBIND.

To Configure Concurrent Requests Number Handled by the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

Ensure that you are familiar with the JEP 124 draft standard. More information is available at:

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.requests parameter to the maximum number of concurrent requests a single client can send to the gateway. The default is 2. For example:


    If the value of this parameter is less than the value for the JEP 124 hold attribute in the client request, the value for this parameter will be set to hold+1. Do not set this parameter to 1, as doing so could severely degrade performance. See "To Set the JEP 124 hold Attribute for Client Requests to the XMPP/HTTP Gateway" and "XMPP/HTTP Gateway Configuration Parameters in httpbind.conf" for more information on the httpbind.hold parameter.

  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Set the JEP 124 hold Attribute for Client Requests to the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

Ensure that you are familiar with the JEP 124 draft standard. More information is available at

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.hold parameter to the maximum value you want the gateway to allow for the hold attribute in the client request. The default is 5. For example:


    If the hold value sent by the client is greater than the gateway's hold value, the gateway's hold value is used.

  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Specify the Allowed Client Inactivity Time for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.inactivity parameter to the time in seconds after which you want the gateway to terminate idle connections. The default is 180 seconds. For example:


    If clients do not poll the gateway before this time elapses, the gateway terminates the connection.

  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Set the content-type HTTP Header for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.content_type parameter to the content-type you want the gateway to use if the client does not specify one in its initial request. The default is text/xml; charset=utf-8. For example:

    httpbind.content_type=text/xml; charset=utf-8
  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Set the Round Trip Delay for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

The round trip delay is the amount of time, in seconds, you want to allow in addition to time-outs for round trips between gateway and client. This helps to account for network latencies.

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.round_trip_delay parameter as required. Setting this value too high might degrade performance. The value is in seconds. The default is one second. For example:


    Setting this value too high may degrade performance. Consider the general latency in your network before changing this parameter.

  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by the GlassFish Server.

To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Default Response Time

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.wait_time parameter as required.

    The client is guaranteed a response from the XMPP/HTTP Gateway within the wait time you designate with this parameter. Consider the speed of your network when setting this parameter.

    Do not set the value so low that the XMPP/HTTP Gateway is unlikely to be able to send the request in time.

    The value is in seconds. The default is 120 seconds. For example:


    If the value set for the client is greater than the value for the gateway, the gateway wait time is used.

  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Configure an XMPP/HTTP Gateway in a Instant Messaging Server Gateway Pool

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. To configure the gateway as part of a deployment with an Instant Messaging Server gateway pool:

    1. Set the parameter to true:
    2. Set the httpbind.pool.nodeId parameter to the full URL of the gateway.

      The URL is used as the gateway's nodeId. The nodeId must be unique within the server pool. The gateway uses the nodeId to determine whether it must service a received request or forward the request to another gateway in the pool.

  3. To configure the gateway not to work within a gateway pool, set the parameter as follows:
  4. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  5. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Configure the List of Key IDs for Supported XMPP/HTTP Gateway Domains

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the httpbind.config parameter to the list of IDs you want the gateway to use.

    For each domain you need to specify a separate ID for this parameter. For example:


    Where gwdomain-id is the identifier you want to use for the domain.

    For example:
  3. For each gwdomain-id you specify, add the following parameters to the httpbind.conf file:


    gwdomain-id is the ID specified for the gateway in httpbind.config in the previous step.

    domain-name is the domain in which the identified gateway runs.

    gateway-host is a comma-separated or space-separated list of the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) and port number of the gateway hosts that support this domain.

    component-jid is the component JID of the gateway.

    password is the password of the identified gateway.

    For example, if gwdomain-id is set to siroe:

    See "Gateway Domain ID Key Parameters for httpbind.config" for more information about these key parameters.

  4. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  5. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

To Configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway to Use a Non-default Configuration

  1. On the web container on which Instant Messenger resource files are deployed, edit web.xml.

    Use your web container's tools to edit this file.

  2. Change the value for the httpbind.conf file parameter to the location of the configuration file you want the gateway to use.

To Use Encrypted Passwords

You can assign encrypted passwords to XMPP/HTTP gateway domains listed in the httpbind.conf file.

To assign an encrypted password to a gateway:

  1. Open the httpbind.conf file and set the httpbind.component.password properties:
  2. From the directory containing the httpbind.conf file, generate a password key and password using the Instant Messaging Server passwordtool command.

    See "passwordtool Command Reference" for more information.

    For example, the following commands generate an encrypted password from the clear text password abcd:

    cd httpbind_config_dir
    passwordtool httpbind generate-key
    passwordtool httpbind generate abcd
  3. In the httpbind.conf file, set the gwdomain-id.password property to the encrypted password, as in the following example.

    The gateway ID is siroe.


To Add a New Hosted Domain Without Restarting GlassFish Server

The gwdomain-id.multihosting parameter in the httpbind.conf file, if set to true, allows a packet destined to a domain, which is not pre-configured in httpbind.conf, to be sent to Instant Messaging Server. You use this parameter for a hosted domain setup. The default value for this parameter is true.

Using StartTLS to Secure Communication Between XMPP/HTTP and IM Server

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway only supports StartTLS for secure communications. If the multiplexor is configured to use legacy SSL, you need to configure the gateway to connect directly to the server, bypassing the multiplexor. The gateway always attempts to use StartTLS if it is available. See Instant Messaging Server Security Guide for more information.

Managing Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

You can configure the level of logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway, enable or disable logging entirely, and change the location of the gateway log file or the gateway log configuration file as described in the following sections:

More information about the log4j format supported by Instant Messaging Server is described at Apache Logging Services, at:

To Enable or Disable Logging for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

You can enable or disable logging for the gateway in two ways:

  • Adding or removing the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter in httbind.conf.

  • (Recommended) Modifying the configuration within the gateway's log4j configuration file (httpbind_log4j.conf).

Under most circumstances, you should modify the configuration in the httpbind_log4j.conf file itself, leaving the httpbind.log4j.config parameter set to the location of the httpbind_log4j.conf file. This procedure describes modifying the configuration within the httpbind_log4j.conf file.

  1. Open the httpbind_log4j.conf file.

    This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:


  2. To disable logging for the gateway, set the log4j.logger.httpbind parameter as follows:

  3. To enable logging, set the log4j.logger.httpbind parameter to the desired logging level.

    For example:


    See "Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components" for a list of valid logging levels you can use.

  4. Save and close httpbind_log4j.conf.

To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File

  1. Open httpbind.conf.

  2. Set the value of the httpbind.log4j.config parameter to the location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway log configuration file.

  3. Save and close httpbind.conf.

  4. Restart the gateway by using the tools provided by GlassFish Server.

Oracle Linux and Red Hat Linux: To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File Location

On Linux systems, after you install and configure the XMPP/HTTP Gateway, you need to modify the location of the default log file for the XMPP/HTTP gateway in httpbind_log4j.conf.

  1. Open the httpbind_log4j.conf file.

    This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:


  2. Set the value of the log4.appender.appender_ID.file parameter to the location where log files are stored.

To Change the Location of the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log File

Ensure that you are familiar with the log4j syntax and general implementation described at Apache Logging Services, at:

  1. Open httpbind_log4j.conf.

    This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:


  2. Set the value for the log4j.appender.appender-ID parameter to the location where you want to store the log file.

  3. Save and close httpbind_log4j.conf.

  4. Restart the web container.

To Use a Non-default Log File Location for the XMPP/HTTP Gateway

If you choose to use a location for logs other than the default, you need to modify the location of the default log file for the XMPP/HTTP gateway in httpbind_log4j.conf.

  1. Open the httpbind_log4j.conf file.

    This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:


  2. Set the value of the log4.appender.appender_ID.file parameter to the location where log files are stored.

To Set the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Logging Level

Ensure that you are familiar with the log4j syntax and general implementation described at Apache Logging Services, at:

  1. Open httpbind_log4j.conf.

    This file is stored at the location you specified in httpbind.conf file as the value for the httpbind.log4j.config parameter. By default the file is stored in the following directory under the default Instant Messaging Server instance:


  2. Set the log4j.logger.httpbind parameter to the desired logging level.

    For example:


    See Table 14-1, "Logging Levels for Instant Messaging Server Components" for a list of valid logging levels you can use.

XMPP/HTTP Gateway log4j Log Configuration File Syntax

For more information about the log4j syntax and general implementation, see Apache Logging Services at:

The XMPP/HTTP Gateway log configuration file syntax is as follows.

# DEFAULT TO RollingFileAppender

XMPP/HTTP Gateway Log Configuration File Example

The following is an example of an XMPP/HTTP Gateway log configuration file:

log4j.logger.httpbind=ERROR, A7
# DEFAULT TO RollingFileAppender
# log4j.appender.A7.file=$(logdir)/httpbind.log
log4j.appender.A7.layout.ConversionPattern=[%d{DATE}] %-5p %c [%t] %m%n