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Managing System Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: March 2017

SMF Capabilities

The SMF framework is always active on an Oracle Solaris 11 system. SMF provides the following capabilities:

  • Boot faster. SMF speeds booting of large systems by starting independent services in parallel.

  • Restart failed services. SMF services have well defined dependency relationships with other services. If a service fails, SMF reports any affected dependent services. SMF automatically attempts to restart failed services in dependency order.

  • Inspect services. View the relationships between services and processes. View the values of service properties.

  • Manage services. Enable, disable, and restart services. These changes can persist through upgrades and reboots, or you can specify temporary changes.

  • Configure services.

    • Change the values of service properties.

    • Add and delete custom properties.

  • Audit service changes. SMF writes Oracle Solaris audit records for every administrative change to a service or its properties. SMF can show whether a property value or service state was set by an administrator.

  • Securely delegate tasks to non-root users, including the ability to modify properties and enable, disable, or restart services.

  • Configure how you will be notified of particular software events or hardware faults.

  • Debug service problems. Easily display an explanation for why an enabled service is not running or why a service is preventing another service from running.

  • Create a new instance of an existing service or modify an existing service instance.

  • Create new services. See Developing System Services in Oracle Solaris 11.3 for more information about the following capabilities:

    • Using the service creation tool.

    • Converting inetd.conf configurations to SMF services.

    • Converting SMF service properties to configuration files. This mechanism provides a bridge for services that are managed by SMF but interact with applications that still require configuration files.

    • Creating a service that runs periodically rather than continuously, similar to a cron job.