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Managing System Services in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: March 2017

Setting Property Values

The following commands set property values:

svccfg setprop

Changes the value of a property.

svccfg addpropvalue

Adds a value to a multi-value property.

svccfg setenv

Changes the value of an environment variable for a service process execution environment.

Remember to use the svccfg refresh command or svcadm refresh command to commit configuration changes into the running snapshot.

Example 20  Setting a Simple Value

In the simplest use of setprop, specify a pg/name for the selected service or instance, where pg is the name of the property group and name is the name of the property, and specify the new value after an equals symbol. If the property already exists or is templated, you do not need to specify the property type.

$ svccfg -s pkg/server:s11 setprop pkg/port=81
Example 21  Setting a Value that Contains a Colon Character

If the property value contains a colon character (:), then specify the property type as shown in the following example where the type is astring:

$ svccfg -s system-repository:default setprop config/http_proxy = astring: https://proxyURI

Use the listprop subcommand to find the type of the property you want to set.

$ svccfg -s system-repository:default listprop config/http_proxy
config/http_proxy astring
Example 22  Setting a Value that Contains Embedded Spaces

Use double quotation marks to set a value that contains embedded spaces. Depending on your shell, you might need to enclose the double-quoted string in single quotation marks.

$ svccfg -s pkg/mirror setprop config/crontab_period = "00 3 25 * *"
$ svccfg -s pkg/mirror setprop config/crontab_period = '"00 3 25 * *"'

Use quotation marks to set a value that contains double quotation marks or backslash characters, and use a backslash character to escape any double quotation marks or backslash characters.

Example 23  Setting a Value that Is a Set of Values

Use parentheses to specify a set of values as a single value. Depending on your shell, you might need to enclose the value set in single quotation marks as well.

$ svccfg -s dns/client setprop config/nameserver = (
$ svccfg -s dns/client setprop config/nameserver = '('
$ svccfg -s dns/client listprop config/nameserver
config/nameserver net_address

Use the describe subcommand to find the number of values allowed in the set of values.

$ svccfg -s dns/client describe -v config/nameserver
config/nameserver net_address
    type: net_address
    required: false
    The IP address of a DNS nameserver to be used by the resolver.
    visibility: readwrite
    minimum number of values: 1
    maximum number of values: 3
Example 24  Adding a Value

Use the addpropvalue subcommand to add the given value to the specified property of the selected service or service instance. The new value is appended to the end of the existing list of property values for the property.

$ svcprop -p keymap/layout keymap:default
$ svccfg -s keymap:default addpropvalue keymap/layout UK-English
$ svccfg -s keymap:default listprop keymap/layout
keymap/layout astring     "US-English" "UK-English"

In the previous setprop example, all values in the set of values must be specified at once. If only one value is specified, that value becomes the new set of one value. In this addpropvalue example, the added values are distinct. To access these added values, you must use the libscf function scf_iter_property_values() to iterate over the values. While listprop lists both values, describe lists only the first value and reports that the maximum allowed number of values for this property is one.

$ svccfg -s keymap:default describe -v keymap/layout
keymap/layout astring     US-English
    type: astring
    required: true
    The keyboard layout
    visibility: readwrite
    minimum number of values: 1
    maximum number of values: 1
  value: US-English