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Trusted Extensions Label Administration

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Updated: October 2017


Numbers and Symbols

/etc/security/tsol directoryindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions


access control
exampleindex iconComparing the Label of a Text Editor With the Label Property in the File Browser
label range, byindex iconLabel Ranges Restrict Access
access decisions
using labelsindex iconLabels Are Used in Access Control Decisions
access-related words
definitionsindex iconSpecifying the
label range
index iconAccount Label Range Examples
index iconAccount Label Range
session rangeindex iconSession Range
ACCREDITATION RANGE keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
accreditation ranges
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
overviewindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
systemindex iconSystem Accreditation Range
userindex iconUser Accreditation Range
classification valueindex iconClassification Name Syntax
illustrating numerical valueindex iconLabel Components
classification valueindex iconClassification Name Syntax
illustrating numerical valueindex iconLabel Components
administrative labels
configuring appearanceindex iconLabel Administration
specifying name visibilityindex iconLabel Visibility
system accreditation range, inindex iconSystem Accreditation Range
aname= classification keywordindex iconKeywords for Classifications
Downgrade File Labelindex iconAuthorizations for Relabeling Information
Print Without Labelsindex iconPlanning Unlabeled Printer Output
Upgrade File Labelindex iconAuthorizations for Relabeling Information


banner pages
appearanceindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
computing the classification forindex iconSpecifying the
customizingindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
internationalizingindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
labelingindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
body pages
appearanceindex iconLabels on Body Pages
labelingindex iconLabels on Body Pages


caveats  Seeindex iconhandling instructions
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Channels
prefixes and suffixesindex iconCommercial Use of CHANNELS Section on Banner Page
specifying handling instructionsindex iconHow to Specify Handling Instructions in CHANNELS
strings on banner and trailer pages
index iconEncodings for More Than One Channel in CHANNELS Section in a U.S. Government Encodings File
index iconSpecifying Channels
worksheet exampleindex iconPlanning the Channels in a Worksheet
CHANNELS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
CHANNELS section
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Channels
chk_encodings -a commandindex iconHow to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File
CIPSO labels
illustration ofindex iconLabel Components
numerical valuesindex iconLabel Components
troubleshootingindex iconHow to Debug a label_encodings File
warning in label_encodings fileindex iconKeywords for Classifications
adding to existing label_encodings fileindex iconHow to Add or Rename a Classification
analyzing, example ofindex iconAnalyzing the Requirements for Each Label
dominanceindex iconClassification Name Syntax
keywordsindex iconKeywords for Classifications
maximum number
index iconClassification Name Syntax
index iconLabel Components
numerical valuesindex iconClassification Name Syntax
planning, example ofindex iconPlanning the Classifications
renamingindex iconHow to Add or Rename a Classification
rules for printingindex iconSpecifying the
specifying colorsindex iconHow to Assign a Color to a Label or Word
syntaxindex iconClassification Name Syntax
assigning initial compartmentsindex iconAssigning Initial Compartments
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Classifications
keywordsindex iconKeywords for Classifications
wordsindex iconDefault and Inverse Words
account label rangeindex iconAccount Label Range
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Clearances
type of labelindex iconTypes of Labels, Their Components and Uses
worksheet exampleindex iconPlanning the Clearances in a Worksheet
CLEARANCES keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Clearances
color plannerindex iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
index iconSpecifying Colors for Labels
index iconOracle Solaris Extensions to label_encodings File
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Color Names
assigningindex iconHow to Assign a Color to a Label or Word
finding color valuesindex iconHow to Assign a Color to a Label or Word
rules of use for labelsindex iconOrder of Color Specification
specifying for labelsindex iconSpecifying Colors for Labels
valuesindex iconColor Values
worksheet exampleindex iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
combination constraints
definitionindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
index iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
index iconConstraints on Account Label Ranges
index iconACCREDITATION RANGE Section of label_encodings File
index iconSystem Accreditation Range
COMBINATION CONSTRAINTS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
combination rules  Seeindex iconcombination constraints
Common IP Security Option (CIPSO)  Seeindex iconCIPSO labels
GFI filesindex iconDifferences Between Simplified GFI Label Encodings Files
label_encodings filesindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
labelsindex iconLabels Are Used in Access Control Decisions
default and inverse wordsindex iconDefault and Inverse Words
hierarchicalindex iconHierarchical Compartment Words
numerical valuesindex iconCompartment Words
planning, example ofindex iconPlanning the Compartments
representing areas of interestindex iconCompartment Words
wordsindex iconCompartment Words
words, example ofindex iconCompartment Words
worksheet exampleindex iconPlanning the Compartment Values and Combination Constraints in a Worksheet
requirementsindex iconRequirements for CONFIDENTIAL: INTERNAL_USE_ONLY
groups that useindex iconNames of Groups With NEED_TO_KNOW Label
requirementsindex iconRequirements for CONFIDENTIAL: NEED_TO_KNOW
adding DAC protectionsindex iconRules for Protecting a REGISTERED File or Directory
requirementsindex iconRequirements for CONFIDENTIAL: REGISTERED
Configuring Security Text on Print Jobs (Task Map)index iconConfiguring Security Text on Print Jobs
label_encodings fileindex iconHow to Create a label_encodings File
banner pagesindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
color assignments to labels
index iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
index iconHow to Assign a Color to a Label or Word
handling instructions by using channelsindex iconHow to Specify Handling Instructions in CHANNELS
handling instructions in printed outputindex iconHow to Specify the Text in PRINTER BANNERS
label appearanceindex iconLabel Administration
security text on printer outputindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages


label_encodings file
index iconHow to Debug a label_encodings File
index iconHow to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File
label_encodings file exampleindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
default words
definitionindex iconDefault and Inverse Words
specifyingindex iconHow to Specify Default and Inverse Words
user labelsindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
label_encodings referenceindex iconSources for Encodings Files
demonstration files
label_encodings.example fileindex iconClassifications With Initial Compartments in label_encodings.multi File
label_encodings.multi fileindex iconKeywords for Classifications
label_encodings file for SecCompanyindex iconSecCompany's label_encodings File
label_encodings samplesindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
label_encodings verification logindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
dominanceindex iconLabel Dominance
Downgrade File Label authorizationindex iconAuthorizations for Relabeling Information


encodings file  Seeindex iconlabel_encodings file
account label rangeindex iconAccount Label Range Examples
ACCREDITATION RANGE sectionindex iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
CHANNELS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Channels
chk_encodings -a logindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
CLASSIFICATIONS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Classifications
CLEARANCES sectionindex iconSpecifying the Clearances
COLOR NAMES sectionindex iconSpecifying the Color Names
commercial label_encodings fileindex iconExample of Planning an Organization's Encodings File
debugging label_encodings fileindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
default user clearanceindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
default user sensitivity labelindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
label_encodings file for SecCompanyindex iconSecCompany's label_encodings File
label_encodings verification logindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
labels planningindex iconExample of Planning an Organization's Encodings File
LOCAL DEFINITIONS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Local Definitions
MAC decisionindex iconComparing the Label of a Text Editor With the Label Property in the File Browser
PRINTER BANNERS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Printer Banners
SENSITIVITY LABELS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Sensitivity Labels


/usr/lib/cups/filter/tsol_separator.psindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
/usr/share/man/man5/X11.5index iconSpecifying Colors for Labels
/usr/share/X11/rgb.txtindex iconColor Values
/usr/X11/share/man/man5/X11.5index iconSpecifying Colors for Labels
label_encodingsindex iconDefault label_encodings File
label_encodings SecCompany exampleindex iconSecCompany's label_encodings File
label_encodings verification logindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
label_encodings versionsindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions


GFI files
comparingindex iconDifferences Between Simplified GFI Label Encodings Files
in /etc/security/tsol directoryindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions


handling instructions
printer bannersindex iconLabels on Printed Output
specifying by using channelsindex iconHow to Specify Handling Instructions in CHANNELS
specifying in PRINTER BANNERSindex iconHow to Specify the Text in PRINTER BANNERS


INFORMATION LABELS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Information Labels
initial compartments
assigning bits to wordsindex iconAssigning Initial Compartments
definitionindex iconDefault and Inverse Words
initial compartments= classification keywordindex iconKeywords for Classifications
banner and trailer pages for printed output
index iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
index iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
inverse words
definitionindex iconDefault and Inverse Words
specifyingindex iconHow to Specify Default and Inverse Words


job-sheets=labeled option
banner and trailer pagesindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
body pagesindex iconLabels on Body Pages


keywords for classificationsindex iconKeywords for Classifications


label_encodings.example fileindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
label_encodings.gfi.multi fileindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
label_encodings.gfi.single fileindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
label_encodings.multi fileindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
label_encodings.single fileindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
label_encodings file
index iconDefault label_encodings File
index iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
access-related wordsindex iconSpecifying the
ACCREDITATION RANGE sectionindex iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
changing classification namesindex iconHow to Add or Rename a Classification
CHANNELS section
index iconSpecifying the Channels
index iconEncodings for More Than One Channel in CHANNELS Section in a U.S. Government Encodings File
index iconSpecifying Channels
classification keywordsindex iconKeywords for Classifications
exampleindex iconKeywords for Classifications
name syntaxindex iconClassification Name Syntax
index iconSpecifying the Classifications
index iconClassification Name Syntax
CLEARANCES sectionindex iconSpecifying the Clearances
color encoding exampleindex iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
commercial exampleindex iconExample of Planning an Organization's Encodings File
compartment wordsindex iconCompartment Words
example ofindex iconDefining the Set of Labels
initialindex iconHow to Create a label_encodings File
single-labelindex iconHow to Create a Single-Label Encodings File
index iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
index iconHow to Debug a label_encodings File
default versionsindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
descriptionindex iconSources for Encodings Files
INFORMATION LABELS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Information Labels
installed with Trusted Extensionsindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
list ofindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
index iconSpecifying the Local Definitions
index iconLOCAL DEFINITIONS Section
Oracle Solaris extensions to GFI encodingsindex iconOracle Solaris Extensions to label_encodings File
Oracle Solaris version of GFI multilabel fileindex iconSimplified GFI Multilevel Label Encodings File
Oracle Solaris version of GFI single-label fileindex iconSimplified GFI Single-Level Label Encodings File
planningindex iconPlanning Labels in Trusted Extensions
PRINTER BANNERS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Printer Banners
Protect As classificationindex iconSpecifying the
REQUIRED COMBINATIONS sectionindex iconUsing REQUIRED COMBINATIONS to Establish Hierarchies
SecCompany exampleindex iconSecCompany's label_encodings File
SENSITIVITY LABELS sectionindex iconSpecifying the Sensitivity Labels
specifying default and inverse wordsindex iconHow to Specify Default and Inverse Words
specifying label colors
index iconHow to Assign a Color to a Label or Word
index iconSpecifying Colors for Labels
syntaxindex iconEncodings File Syntax
U.S. government versionsindex iconDifferences Between Simplified GFI Label Encodings Files
VERSION sectionindex iconSpecifying the Version
word order requirementsindex iconWord Order Requirements
access decisionsindex iconLabels Are Used in Access Control Decisions
account label rangeindex iconAccount Label Range
accreditation rangesindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
analyzing, example ofindex iconAnalyzing the Requirements for Each Label
arranging relationshipsindex iconHow to Plan the Encodings File
authorizations for changingindex iconAuthorizations for Relabeling Information
available during sessionsindex iconLabel Availability in Trusted Extensions Sessions
banner and trailer pagesindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
index iconCompartment Words
index iconLabel Components
clearanceindex iconTypes of Labels, Their Components and Uses
color planning exampleindex iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
commercial exampleindex iconExample of Planning an Organization's Encodings File
comparingindex iconLabels Are Used in Access Control Decisions
componentsindex iconLabel Components
configuring on printer outputindex iconLabels on Printed Output
user clearanceindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
user sensitivity labelindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
dominanceindex iconLabel Dominance
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Sensitivity Labels
files supplied by Oracle Solarisindex iconEncodings Files From Trusted Extensions
installation exampleindex iconEditing and Installing the label_encodings File
internal representationindex iconPrivileges for Translating Labels
job-sheets=labeled option
index iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
index iconLabels on Body Pages
length of componentsindex iconCompartment Words
limitindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
lower boundindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
mandatory access and printing considerationsindex iconTrusted Extensions Features That Address Labeling and Access
minimum "Protect As" classificationindex iconHow to Set a Minimum
index iconHow to Plan the Encodings File
index iconPlanning Labels in Trusted Extensions
printed body pagesindex iconLabels on Body Pages
index iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
index iconTypes of Labels, Their Components and Uses
requirements for CONFIDENTIAL: NEED_TO_KNOWindex iconRequirements for CONFIDENTIAL: NEED_TO_KNOW
requirements for CONFIDENTIAL: REGISTEREDindex iconRequirements for CONFIDENTIAL: REGISTERED
restricting access by
index iconLabel Ranges Restrict Access
index iconLabel Ranges Restrict Access
session rangeindex iconSession Range
sources for label_encodings filesindex iconSources for Encodings Files
specifying colorsindex iconHow to Assign a Color to a Label or Word
system accreditation rangeindex iconSystem Accreditation Range
textual stringsindex iconPrivileges for Translating Labels
translating between representationsindex iconPrivileges for Translating Labels
translating into another language on banner and trailer pagesindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
typesindex iconTypes of Labels, Their Components and Uses
upper boundindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
user accreditation rangeindex iconUser Accreditation Range
default clearanceindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
default sensitivity labelindex iconSpecifying the Default User Labels
validindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
visible in workspacesindex iconLabeled Workspaces
well-formedindex iconAccreditation Ranges, Label Ranges, and Valid Labels
worksheet exampleindex iconPlanning the Classification Values in a Worksheet
LOCAL DEFINITIONS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
adding to GFI encodings fileindex iconOracle Solaris Extensions to label_encodings File
index iconLOCAL DEFINITIONS Section
index iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Local Definitions
localizing  Seeindex iconinternationalizing
label_encodings verification logindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File


Managing Label Encodings (Task Map)index iconManaging a Label Encodings File
mandatory access control (MAC)
definitionindex iconLabels and Security Policy
used in access decisionsindex iconComparing the Label of a Text Editor With the Label Property in the File Browser
minimum "Protect As" classification
index iconSpecifying the
index iconSpecifying the
printed outputindex iconHow to Set a Minimum
minimum clearance
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
minimum labels
account label rangeindex iconAccount Label Range
commercial exampleindex iconPlanning the Minimum Labels in an Accreditation Range
minimum sensitivity label
definitionindex iconAccount Label Range
index iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
index iconDefining the Accreditation Range in a Single-Label Encodings File
index iconHow to Add or Rename a Classification
Modifying Oracle Solaris Extensions (Task Map)index iconModifying Extensions From Oracle Solaris to the label_encodings File


name= classification keywordindex iconKeywords for Classifications


Oracle extensions  Seeindex iconLOCAL DEFINITIONS section


planners  Seeindex iconworksheets
planning labels
colorsindex iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
commercial exampleindex iconExample of Planning an Organization's Encodings File
initialindex iconHow to Plan for Labels
label_encodings fileindex iconHow to Plan the Encodings File
overviewindex iconPlanning Labels in Trusted Extensions
steps forindex iconHow to Plan the Encodings File
supporting proceduresindex iconPlanning for Supporting Procedures
unlabeled printer outputindex iconPlanning Unlabeled Printer Output
Planning Labels (Task Map)index iconPlanning Labels in Trusted Extensions
in channelsindex iconU.S. Government Use of CHANNELS Section on Banner Page
Print Without Labels authorizationindex iconPlanning Unlabeled Printer Output
printer banners
appearanceindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Printer Banners
specifying handling instructionsindex iconHow to Specify the Text in PRINTER BANNERS
worksheet exampleindex iconPlanning the Printer Banners in a Worksheet
PRINTER BANNERS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Printer Banners
printer output
banner textindex iconSpecifying Printer Banners
changing printed labelsindex iconLabels on Printed Output
channelsindex iconSuffixes and Prefixes in the CHANNELS Section in a U.S. Government label_encodings File
configuring labels and textindex iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
further label configurationindex iconConfiguring Users and Printers for Labels
planning, example ofindex iconPlanning the Use of Words in Labeling System Output
prefixes and suffixesindex iconSuffixes and Prefixes in the CHANNELS Section in a U.S. Government label_encodings File
rules for handlingindex iconRules for Handling Printer Output
setting minimum "Protect As" classificationindex iconHow to Set a Minimum
printing  Seeindex iconprinter output
changing labelsindex iconPrivileges for Translating Labels
Protect As classification
index iconSpecifying the Accreditation Range
index iconSpecifying the
overviewindex iconSpecifying the
setting minimum for printed outputindex iconHow to Set a Minimum


required combinations  Seeindex iconcombination constraints
index iconUsing REQUIRED COMBINATIONS to Establish Hierarchies
index iconlabel_encodings Keywords
rgb.txt fileindex iconColor Values


security policy
definitionindex iconLabels and Security Policy
identifying site requirementsindex iconIdentifying the Site's Label Requirements
protecting informationindex iconSatisfying Information Protection Goals
setting minimum "Protect As"index iconHow to Set a Minimum
site-specificindex iconHow to Plan for Labels
type of labelindex iconTypes of Labels, Their Components and Uses
sensitivity labels  Seeindex iconlabels
SENSITIVITY LABELS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Sensitivity Labels
duration of label restrictions chosen at loginindex iconSession Range
session range definitionindex iconSession Range
label_encodings fileindex iconHow to Create a Single-Label Encodings File
sname= classification keywordindex iconKeywords for Classifications
strict dominanceindex iconRepresentation of the TS, TS A, TS B, and TS AB Labels
in channelsindex iconU.S. Government Use of CHANNELS Section on Banner Page
syntax of label_encodings fileindex iconEncodings File Syntax
sys_trans_label privilegeindex iconPrivileges for Translating Labels
system accreditation rangeindex iconSystem Accreditation Range
system security policyindex iconLabels and Security Policy


task maps
Configuring Security Text on Print Jobs (Task Map)index iconConfiguring Security Text on Print Jobs
Managing Label Encodings (Task Map)index iconManaging a Label Encodings File
Modifying Oracle Solaris Extensions (Task Map)index iconModifying Extensions From Oracle Solaris to the label_encodings File
Planning Labels (Task Map)index iconPlanning Labels in Trusted Extensions
trailer pages
computing the classification forindex iconSpecifying the
exampleindex iconTypical Banner Page of a Labeled Print Job
internationalizingindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
index iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
index iconSecurity Text on Banner and Trailer Pages
translating  See Alsoindex iconinternationalizing
between label representationsindex iconPrivileges for Translating Labels
label_encodings fileindex iconHow to Debug a label_encodings File
tsol_separator.ps fileindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
types of labelsindex iconTypes of Labels, Their Components and Uses


/usr/lib/cups/filter/tsol_separator.ps fileindex iconDifferences on a Trailer Page
/usr/share/X11/rgb.txt fileindex iconColor Values
Upgrade File Label authorizationindex iconAuthorizations for Relabeling Information
user accreditation rangeindex iconUser Accreditation Range
authorizations for changing labelsindex iconAuthorizations for Relabeling Information
further label configurationindex iconConfiguring Users and Printers for Labels
printing authorizationsindex iconPlanning Unlabeled Printer Output
workspace accessindex iconPlanning the Use of Words in MAC


value= classification keywordindex iconKeywords for Classifications
of administrative classificationsindex iconClassification Name Syntax
of classificationsindex iconClassification Name Syntax
of compartmentsindex iconCompartment Words
label_encodings fileindex iconHow to Analyze and Verify the label_encodings File
label_encodings file exampleindex iconSecCompany's Verification of the label_encodings File
VERSION section
descriptionindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
exampleindex iconSpecifying the Version
VERSION= keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords


word order requirements
label_encodings fileindex iconWord Order Requirements
planning, example ofindex iconPlanning the Use of Words in MAC
WORDS keywordindex iconlabel_encodings Keywords
represented by label compartmentsindex iconCompartment Words
channels plannerindex iconPlanning the Channels in a Worksheet
classifications plannerindex iconPlanning the Classification Values in a Worksheet
clearances plannerindex iconPlanning the Clearances in a Worksheet
color plannerindex iconPlanning the Colors in a Worksheet
compartments plannerindex iconPlanning the Compartment Values and Combination Constraints in a Worksheet
printer banners plannerindex iconPlanning the Printer Banners in a Worksheet
access by users
index iconPlanning the Use of Words in MAC
index iconLabel Availability in Trusted Extensions Sessions
labeledindex iconLabeled Workspaces