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Trusted Extensions Label Administration

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Updated: October 2017

Specifying the "Protect As" Classification

    The "Protect As" classification is printed in two places:

  • On the top and bottom of banner and trailer pages

  • In the middle of the Protect As statement, together with compartments from the job's label

The following figure shows the "Protect as" statement on labeled print output.

Figure 14  "Protect As" Statement

image:Graphic shows location of Protect As classification, and Protect As classification plus compartments.

In another example, a site uses INTERNAL_USE_ONLY as the minimum "Protect As" classification. The site has three classifications with the values that are shown in the first two columns of the following table. The third column shows the "Protect As" classification. This classification is printed on the banner and trailer pages for the print job when the classification in the left column is in the job's label.

Table 3  Effect of Minimum "Protect As" Classification on Printer Output
Classification of Print Job
"Protect As" Classification Printed on Banner and Trailer Pages

As the preceding table illustrates, any print job whose label includes either the PUBLIC or the INTERNAL_USE_ONLY classification would print INTERNAL_USE_ONLY in the "Protect As" statement and at the top and bottom of banner and trailer pages. Any print jobs whose label includes the NEED_TO_KNOW classification would print NEED_TO_KNOW in the same locations.