

The second step in creating a new campaign is to select one or more offers or promotions for the campaign. You can attach new offers to the campaign or edit existing ones. You also have the option to delete offers.

Note: The only offers that are currently supported are Promo codes.


Select the New button to add an new offer or select the Edit button to make changes to one that is already attached to the campaign. After you have added your offers, select the Next button to proceed to the next step in the wizard.

Display Grid

Type. The offer type.

Offer. The name of the offer.

Property. The property for the offer.

Button Functions

Previous. Select to return to the previous step in the wizard.

Next. Select to move to the next step in the wizard.

New. Select to associate a new offer to the campaign.

Edit. Select to make changes to an existing offer.

Delete. Select to remove an offer.

Close. Select to exit the wizard.