
About Accounts Receivable Configuration

The Accounts Receivable feature is available when the Cashiering>Accounts Receivables application function is set to Y.

Select Configuration>Accounts Receivable to get on the fast track to managing important fundamentals such as setup options, entering customer information, invoice entry and defining standard items and price levels. You’ll be amazed at how dramatically you can increase your productivity and save time processing with the following features:

Statement Printing - Set up account types, reminder cycles, credit limits, and statement types.

Account Aging - Set up user definable aging levels specific for your property. For example, Up to 30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-180, and 180 days and over.

Open Item or Balance Forward - Enter old balances for single folios and enter sums per aging period. Balances entered here are recorded only as previous balances in the Accounts Receivable module. They will not appear on any Front Office transaction report or affect any cashier audit.

See Also