
Configuration - Application User Setup - Detail (sample_cf_users_detail)

The Configuration - Application User Setup Detail report (sample_cf_users_detail) provides detailed user setup information. When the OPP_MHOT Multi-property PMS license is active, and/or when the ORS/OCIS license codes are active, the report covers users at all properties in the multi-property environment.

This report is customizable using the Stationery Editor.

Selection Criteria



User. Multi-select LOV for filtering the results of the report on specific users. The default is ALL users.


Active. Select this check box to display active users in the report. This option is selected by default.

Inactive. Select this check box to display inactive users in the report.

LDAP. Select this check box to include users configured for LDAP access to Opera. This option is selected by default. See LDAP Integration for details.


User Group. Select this check box to include a line in the report showing the user groups to which the user is assigned. This option is selected by default.

Property Info. Select this check box to include a line in the report showing the Opera applications to which the user has access. This option is selected by default.

Property Access. Select this check box to include a line in the report showing the properties to which the user has access.

Status. Select this check box to include a line in the report showing the user status details (Inactive, Terminated, Disabled Until, Disabled On, Last Login, Last Password Change). This option is selected by default. The report does not display these fields if the field is null in the user's configuration.

Misc. Select this check box to include a line in the report showing miscellaneous information including Login Language, Max. Sessions, Receive Broadcast Messages YN, Owner, and S&C Team (available when the OPS_<version number>/OPC_<version number> Opera Sales and Catering license code is active). This option is selected by default. The report does not display these fields if the field is null in the user's configuration.

Button Functions

Preview. Select to preview the report in a PDF format.

Print. Select to print the report.

File. Select to save the report as a file.

Close. Select to exit the report.

Report Output


Report Details

For each user, the report displays the following information, as applicable for the user and depending on the report options selected.

Login Name. User's login username.

Job Title. User's job title.

Extension. User's phone extension.

Name. User's full name.

Department. User's department.

Phone No. User's phone number or primary communication address if no phone number is configured.

Emp. No. User's employee number.

Cashier. User's cashier ID.

Email. User's email address.

User Group. User groups to which the user belongs.

Property Info. Opera applications to which the user has access.

Prop. Access. Properties to which the user has access.

Status. User status details include Inactive, Terminated, Disabled Until, Disabled On, Last Login, and Last Password Change. The report does not display these fields if the field is null in the user's configuration.

Misc. Miscellaneous information includes Login Language, Maximum Number of Sessions, Receive Broadcast Messages YN, Owner, and S&C Team (available when the OPS_<version number>/OPC_<version number> Opera Sales and Catering license code is active). The report does not display these fields if the field is null in the user's configuration.