Oracle® Solaris 11.2 发行说明


更新时间: 2015 年 5 月

SPARC:当某个适配器与引导设备连接时出现 FMA 错误 (18378881)

在安装了最新的 Oracle VM Server for SPARC 软件并配置了 FC SR-IOV 的 SPARC T4-1 系统上,当 qlc 驱动程序连接到某个端口时显示以下 FMA 错误,链路变成活动链路,某个适配器随后被系统弃用。

--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
TIME            EVENT-ID                              MSG-ID         SEVERITY
--------------- ------------------------------------  -------------- ---------
Mar 05 18:34:11 3744889c-5019-cbbf-a8c2-e7fc4c380075  FMD-8000-11    Minor

Problem Status: isolated
Diag Engine: eft / 1.16 System
Manufacturer: unknown
Part_Number: unknown
Serial_Number: 1252BDY565
Host_ID: 86230a82
Description: A Solaris Fault Manager module generated a diagnosis for which no
message summary exists.

Response: The diagnosis has been saved in the fault log for examination.

Impact: The fault log will need to be manually examined using fmdump(1M)
in order to determine if any human response is required.

Action: Use 'fmadm faulty' to provide a more detailed view of this event.
Please refer to the associated reference document at for the latest service
procedures and policies regarding this diagnosis.

此问题仅在物理功能 (physical function, PF) 设备上进行初始系统引导期间发生,在虚拟功能 (virtual function, VF) 设备上引导时不会发生。

解决方法:qlc.conf 文件中将 connection-options 参数更改为 point-to-point only,清除 FMA 错误,然后重新引导系统。