Oracle® Solaris 11.2 发行说明


更新时间: 2015 年 5 月

从 Oracle Solaris 11.1 更新到 Oracle Solaris 11.2 产生 IPS pkg(5) 抢救错误 (17354101)

从 Oracle Solaris 11.1 更新到 Oracle Solaris 11.2 时,可能会在 pkg update 操作结束时看到以下错误消息:

The following unexpected or editable files and directories 
were salvaged while executing the requested 
package operation; they have been moved to the 
displayed location in the image:
usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/solaris_install/auto_install ->


  • 请先删除 /usr/lib/python2.6/vendor-packages/solaris_install/auto_install/ai_get_manifest.pyc 文件,然后再运行 pkg update 命令。

  • 请忽略该错误消息。