在 Oracle® Solaris 11.2 中管理故障


更新时间: 2014 年 7 月

了解来自 Fault Manager 守护进程的消息

Fault Manager 守护进程将消息同时发送到控制台和 /var/adm/messages 文件。来自 Fault Manager 守护进程的消息使用以下示例中所示的格式:

1    SUNW-MSG-ID: SUN4V-8001-8H, TYPE: Fault, VER: 1, SEVERITY: Minor
2    EVENT-TIME: Wed Aug 24 21:56:03 UTC 2011
3    PLATFORM: SUNW,T5440, CSN: -, HOSTNAME: bur419-61
4    SOURCE: cpumem-diagnosis, REV: 1.7
5    EVENT-ID: 7b83c87c-78f6-6a8e-fa2b-d0cf16834049
6    DESC: The number of integer register errors associated with this thread has
7    exceeded acceptable levels.
8    AUTO-RESPONSE: The fault manager will attempt to remove the affected thread
9    from service.
10   IMPACT: System performance may be affected.
11   REC-ACTION: Use 'fmadm faulty' to provide a more detailed view of this 
12   event. Please refer to the associated reference document at 
13   http://support.oracle.com/msg/SUN4V-8001-8H for the latest service procedures and 
14   policies regarding this diagnosis.

在收到有关诊断出问题的通知时,请查阅所建议的知识库文章以了解更多详细信息。第 13 行显示了此示例中建议的知识库文章。该知识库文章可能包含您或服务提供商应采取的措施(除了 "REC-ACTION" 部分列出的其他措施以外)。