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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39576–01

BI Server Configuration

This section describes how to configure the BI server and create the appropriate Oracle Solaris Cluster resource groups and resources for both a failover and a multi-master case.

How to Define a Failover Configuration for BI Server

The failover BI server configuration does not require a cluster controller because there is only one active BI server process. Therefore, configuration of a failover BI server is similar to configuration on a single server with the exception that the software is installed directly on a highly available local file system managed by Oracle Solaris Cluster.

Before You Begin

Before you create the BI Server resource for a failover configuration, you might need to edit the following files:

  • /etc/netmasks – Ensure that the /etc/netmasks file has IP-address subnet and netmask entries for all logical hostnames. If necessary, edit the /etc/netmasks file to add any missing entries.

  • BI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/server/Config/NQSConfig.INI – Verify the following settings:

    • All the file paths should be part of the highly available local file system.

    • SERVER_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESSES should be set to the logical hostname or ALLNICS.

    • CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT must be set to NO .

  • BI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/server/Config/NQClusterConfig.INI – Set ENABLE_CONTROLLER to NO. Although not strictly required by Oracle BI EE, this setting ensures that there is no confusion as to the configuration being implemented.

  1. On each node, verify that BI Services can start.
    $ export SC_LHOSTNAME=bi-svr-lh
    $ pwd
    $ ./run-sa.sh start
    $ ./run-sa.sh stop
  2. Create a resource group for the BI Server.
    # clresourcegroup create -n phys-red1,phys-red2 bi-svr-rg 
  3. Create the logical hostname resource for BI Server.
    # clreslogicalhostname create -g bi-svr-rg -h red-lh1 bi-svr-lh-rs 
  4. Create an HAStoragePlus resource for BI Server.
    # clresource create -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -g bi-svr-rg \
    -p FileSystemMountPoints=/failover/obiee:/failover/obiee \
  5. Bring online the BI Server resource group.
    # clresourcegroup online -eM bi-svr-rg
  6. Install the Oracle BI EE software.

    For more information, see Installing and Configuring Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition.

  7. Register the BI Server resource type.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.obiee_server 
  8. Create the BI Server resource.
    # clresource create -g bi-svr-rg \
    -t ORCL.obiee_server \
    -p Run_64_bit=True \
    -p resource_dependencies=bi-svr-hasp-rs,bi-svr-lh-rs \
    -p BI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=/failover/obiee/OracleBI \
    -p BI_DATA_DIRECTORY=/failover/obiee/OracleBIData \
    -p BI_PROBE_USER=demo \
    -p BI_PROBE_PASSWORD=demo \
  9. Verify the status of the BI Server resource.
    # clresource status bi-svr-rs
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name 	Node Name    State 	Status Message
    ------------- 	---------    ----- 	--------------
    bi-svr-rs            phys-red1 	Online 	Online - Service is online.
                      phys-red2 	Offline 	Offline

    Because the BI Server does not have any hard dependencies on other services, it does not require any resource dependencies to be set. Once the BI Server is running, connection can be made through the Web interface.

How to Define a Multi-Master Configuration for BI Server

A multi-master BI Server configuration requires primary and secondary BI Cluster Controller to be configured, although strictly speaking, the secondary BI controller is optional when creating a Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration. The BI Cluster Controller is responsible for load-balancing the requests coming in from the Presentation Services clients to the available BI servers.

Before You Begin

Before you create the BI Server resource for a multi-master configuration, you might need to edit the following files:

  • BI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/server/Config/NQSConfig.INI – Verify the following settings:

    • SERVER_HOSTNAME_OR_IP_ADDRESSES should be commented out.

    • CLUSTER_PARTICIPANT must be set to YES.

  • BI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY/server/Config/NQClusterConfig.INI – Verify the following settings:

    Note -  Although not strictly required by Oracle BI EE, these settings are used to verify the resource group settings for the cluster controller configuration.
    • ENABLE_CONTROLLER must be set to YES.

    • Primary and secondary controllers are defined to listen on logical hosts, for example:

      PRIMARY_CONTROLLER = "red-lh2";
      SECONDARY_CONTROLLER = "red-lh3"; 
    • Servers are set to a list of the nodes that are defined in the multi-master resource group, for example:

      SERVERS = "phys-red1","phys-red2"; 
    • One of the nodes in the multi-master resource group is set to be the master server, for example:

      MASTER_SERVER = "phys-red1";
    • The BI Server global cache directory and the repository publishing directory must be on a cluster file system and be configured under a SUNW.HAStoragePlus resource.

  1. Create a resource group for the BI Server.
    # clresourcegroup create -n phys-red1,phys-red2 \
    -p maximum_primaries=2 \
    -p desired_primaries=2 \
  2. Create an HAStoragePlus resource for BI Server.
    # clresource create -t SUNW.HAStoragePlus -g bi-svr-rg \
    -p FileSystemMountPoints=/global/obiee:/global/obiee \
  3. Bring online the BI Server resource group.
    # clresourcegroup online -eM mm-bi-svr-rg
  4. Register the BI Server resource type.
    # clresourcetype register ORCL.obiee_server 
  5. Create the BI Server resource.

    In the example below, the PROBE user and password are optional. The password is not protected, therefore, the user account must have no privileges to query anything other than the list of catalogs from the BI servers. This approach enables the probe to connect to the BI server and get a response back to the list catalogs query which helps to demonstrate the responsiveness of the BI server.

    # clresource create -g mm-bi-svr-rg \
    -t ORCL.obiee_server \
    -p Run_64_bit=True \
    -p resource_dependencies=mm-bi-svr-hasp-rs \
    -p BI_INSTALL_DIRECTORY=/export/home/obiee/OracleBI \
    -p BI_DATA_DIRECTORY=/export/home/obiee/OracleBIData \
    -p BI_PROBE_USER=demo \
    -p BI_PROBE_PASSWORD=demo \
  6. Verify the status of the BI Server resource.
    # clresource status -g mm-bi-svr-rg
    === Cluster Resources ===
    Resource Name 		Node Name 			State 	Status Message
    ------------- 		--------- 			----- 	--------------
    mm-bi-svr-hasp-rs phys-red1 	Online	Online
    phys-red2 	Online 	Online
    mm-bi-svr-rs 		phys-red1 	Online 	Online
    phys-red2 	Online 	Online