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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39576–01

Tuning the HA for Oracle BI EE Fault Monitors

    The HA for Oracle BI EE fault monitors verify that the following components are running correctly:

  • BI Presentation Services components – sawserver and javahost processes

  • BI Server components – nqserver and nqsserver health (via probe)

  • BI Cluster Controller components – nqsclustercontroller process

  • BI Scheduler components – nqsscheduler process

Each HA for Oracle BI EE fault monitor is contained in the resource that represents each component. You create these resources when you register and configure HA for Oracle BI EE. For more information, see Registering and Configuring HA for Oracle BI EE.

System properties and extension properties of these resources control the behavior of the fault monitor. The default values of these properties determine the preset behavior of the fault monitor. The preset behavior should be suitable for most Oracle Solaris Cluster installations. Therefore, you should tune the fault monitor only if you need to modify this preset behavior.

    Tuning the fault monitors involves the following tasks:

  • Setting the interval between fault monitor probes

  • Setting the time-out for fault monitor probes

  • Defining the criteria for persistent faults

  • Specifying the failover behavior of a resource

For more information, see Tuning Fault Monitors for Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Services Planning and Administration Guide .