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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Guide

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Updated: July 2014, E39576–01

ORCL.obiee_server Extension Properties


Type string (required). This property is set to the absolute path to the Oracle BI software installation directory.

Default: None

Values: Absolute full path name

Tunable: When disabled


Type string (required). This property is set to the absolute path of the Oracle BI software data directory.

Default: None

Values: Absolute full path name

Tunable: When disabled


Type Boolean (required). If this property is set to TRUE, then the 64–bit version of the binary is run. If set to FALSE, then the 32–bit version of the binary is run

Default: TRUE

Values: TRUE or FALSE

Tunable: When disabled


Type string (optional). This property contains the Business Intelligence (BI) user name to use for probing the health of the BI server.

Default: None

Values: string

Tunable: When disabled


Type string (optional). This property contains the Business Intelligence (BI) user password to use for probing the health of the BI server.

Default: None

Values: string

Tunable: When disabled


Type enumerated (optional). This property specifies the debug_level.

Default: 0

Values: 0, 1, or 2

Tunable: Any time