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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Apache Guide

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Updated: September 2015

How to Register and Configure HA for Apache by Using clsetup

Perform this procedure during your initial setup of HA for Apache. Perform this procedure from one node only.

Before You Begin

Before you start the HA for Apache wizard, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • You have decided whether to run HA for Apache as a failover service or a scalable service.

  • Any project you created to run Apache exists in the projects name service database for the user that runs that application. If no custom project is created for the application, the default project is used. For more information, see the projects (1) man page.

  • Prerequisites for configuring the required type of network resource are met.

      The type of network resource that is required depends on your configuration of HA for Apache:

    • A failover service requires a logical hostname resource.

    • A scalable service requires a shared address resource.

  • The Apache software is installed and configured.

  • The Apache configuration files are available on the node where you will start the wizard.

  • The HA for Apache package is installed.

  1. Assume the root role on any cluster node.
  2. Start the clsetup utility.
    # clsetup

    The clsetup main menu is displayed.

  3. Type the number that corresponds to the option for data services and press Return.

    The Data Services menu is displayed.

  4. Type the number that corresponds to the option for configuring HA for Apache and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays information about HA for Apache.

  5. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of configuration modes for HA for Apache.

  6. Type the number that corresponds to the configuration mode for HA for Apache and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a list of available nodes.

  7. Select the nodes where you require HA for Apache to run.
    • To accept the default selection of all listed nodes in an arbitrary order, type a and press Return.
    • To select a subset of the listed nodes, type a comma-separated or space-separated list of the numbers that correspond to the nodes. Then press Return.

      Ensure that the nodes are listed in the order in which the nodes are to appear in the resource group's node list. The first node in the list is the primary node of this resource group.

    • To select all nodes in a particular order, type a comma-separated or space-separated ordered list of the numbers that correspond to the nodes. Then press Return.

      Ensure that the nodes are listed in the order in which the nodes are to appear in the resource group's node list.

  8. To confirm your selection of nodes, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a screen where you can specify the location of the HA for Apache configuration file.

  9. Type the numbers that correspond to the location of the configuration file and press Return.

    Note -  The configuration file that you select here is used as a template. A new configuration file will be created using this template configuration file.

    The clsetup utility displays a screen where you can specify the HA for Apache document root directory.

  10. Type the numbers that correspond to the location of the document root directory and press Return.

    The clsetup utility prompts you for the project to use.

  11. Type the option number to choose a listed project and press Return.

    If you did not create a project where Apache will run, select the default project. The clsetup utility displays a screen where you can specify the HA for Apache mount point.

  12. To confirm your selection of the mount point, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a screen where you can specify the HA for Apache network resource or create a new one.

  13. To confirm your selection of the network resource, type d and press Return.
    • If you created a new network resource, the clsetup utility provides a screen where you can specify the PNM objects to use.

      The clsetup utility provides a screen where you can specify the logical hostname that the resource is to make available.

      Proceed to Step 14.

    • If you chose an existing network resource, the clsetup utility lists the names of the Oracle Solaris Cluster objects that the utility will create.

      Skip to Step 16.

  14. Type the logical hostname that this resource is to make available and press Return.
    • If more than one PNM object is configured for the specified logical hostname, the clsetup utility provides a screen where you can specify the PNM objects to use.

      Proceed to Step 15.

    • If only one PNM object is configured for the specified logical hostname, the clsetup utility lists the names of the Oracle Solaris Cluster objects that the utility will create.

      Skip to Step 16.

  15. Select from the list of available PNM objects one object for each cluster node.

    The clsetup utility displays information about the HA for Apache configuration that the utility will create.

  16. To confirm your selection of the configuration, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays information about the Oracle Solaris Cluster objects that the utility will create.

    Note -  The document root specified by you will be copied to the one that is mentioned in the screen. The configuration file specified by you will be edited and the edited file will be stored in the location mentioned in the screen.
  17. To confirm your selection of the Oracle Solaris Cluster objects, type d and press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays information about the Oracle Solaris Cluster configuration that the utility will create.

  18. To create the configuration, type c and Press Return.

    The clsetup utility displays a progress message to indicate that the utility is running commands to create the configuration. When configuration is complete, the clsetup utility displays the commands that the utility ran to create the configuration.

    Note -  The clsetup utility will roll back the changes if it fails to complete the HA for Apache configuration process.
  19. Press Return to continue.

    The clsetup utility returns you to the list of options for configuring HA for Apache.

  20. (Optional) Type q and press Return repeatedly until you quit the clsetup utility.

    If you prefer, you can leave the clsetup utility running while you perform other required tasks before using the utility again. If you choose to quit clsetup, the utility recognizes your HA for Apache resource group when you restart the utility.

  21. Determine if the HA for Apache resource group and its resources are online.

    Use the clresourcegroup (1CL) command for this purpose. By default, the clsetup utility assigns the name apache-server-rg to the HA for Apache resource group.

    # clresourcegroup status apache-server-rg
  22. If the HA for Apache resource group and its resources are not online, bring them online.
    # clresourcegroup online -eM apache-server-rg